Welcome Guest Board Index > Plot Center > March of the Machines
1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
Run byAdreos
Suseptible Character TypesAll onworld organic characters
Started7/14/23 10:54 PM
Updated8/31/23 6:45 PM
Finshed8/31/23 5:18 PM
March of the Machines
Preplot Information
Characters will be becoming synthetic versions of themselves. Three versions are available
  1. Synthoid - Similar in appearance to normal organics but composed of polymer synthetics for skin, fur, and such. Outwardly colors and textures will be different
  2. Mech - Robots and mechanoids. Purely metal mechanical beings. Made of hard plates and fixed joints.
  3. Cybernetic - A mix of the two above. May have clearly artificial parts on synthetic appearances.

Some characters may gain extra abilities such as increased speed, night vision, etc. But no character will gain on board communication systems. No transmitters or receivers will be gained. Character with existing such systems will retain theirs however.

Existing cyborgs will either become Mech or Cybernetic categories above, however only their existing biological components will be effected.

Characters that are not biological, be it pure energy, mechanical, or such will remain unaffected.

Important changes to note:
  • Magic wielding characters will loose their abilities. They may gain magictek devices to replicate some or several effects from mana in the area/batterypacks/etc but raw magic wielding is lost to effected characters.
  • As the mind is unchanged it may not be able to keep up with the new bodies. Even if a character's body can now read 100 times faster, their mind being unaffected means they can still only process the data at the original speed.
  • Unless they have a system for it, characters are not self repairing. Though being metal new pieces/repairs can be manually performed.
  • Some characters can plug in to recharge a battery, some have on board reactors to generate power, all have some means of self sustaining their bodies.
  • Any character that makes alterations to their now mechanical bodies will be subject to lingering/permanent effects, changes, alterations at the plot's conclusion. Be it unrepaired damage or components added//changed/removed
Plot Overview
At 3 am on July 15 several large towers were launched around the planet. One landing twenty miles northwest of Marsilion. From these points outwards spread a transforming everything into metal and synthetic. Metal trees and planets, polymer soil. Only things completely inorganic were unaffected. As the wave spread through the town the buildings were changed, as were the inhabitants, into mechanical versions of themselves. Some look more different then others but all have been changed. The origin of these towers is not yet known.
Plot Information
The Towers
The towers are tall, 1300 feet tall (396 meters) of a dark purple/grey material, with a tripod base and several lights lining up. There are beams of energy projecting form the peak to nearby towers in the network, though these may be thousands of miles away. The towers themselves are protected by a massive displacement force field, anything going in that isn't suppose to be shunted to the outside.
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User Image
The characters
Characters will be becoming synthetic versions of themselves. Three versions are available
  1. Synthoid - Similar in appearance to normal organics but composed of polymer synthetics for skin, fur, and such. Outwardly colors and textures will be different
  2. Mech - Robots and mechanoids. Purely metal mechanical beings. Made of hard plates and fixed joints.
  3. Cybernetic - A mix of the two above. May have clearly artificial parts on synthetic appearances.

Some characters may gain extra abilities such as increased speed, night vision, etc. But no character will gain on board communication systems. No transmitters or receivers will be gained. Character with existing such systems will retain theirs however.

Existing cyborgs will either become Mech or Cybernetic categories above, however only their existing biological components will be effected.

Characters that are not biological, be it pure energy, mechanical, or such will remain unaffected.

Important changes to note:
  • Magic wielding characters will loose their abilities. They may gain magictek devices to replicate some or several effects from mana in the area/batterypacks/etc but raw magic wielding is lost to effected characters.
  • As the mind is unchanged it may not be able to keep up with the new bodies. Even if a character's body can now read 100 times faster, their mind being unaffected means they can still only process the data at the original speed.
  • Unless they have a system for it, characters are not self repairing. Though being metal new pieces/repairs can be manually performed.
  • Some characters can plug in to recharge a battery, some have on board reactors to generate power, all have some means of self sustaining their bodies.
  • Any character that makes alterations to their now mechanical bodies will be subject to lingering/permanent effects, changes, alterations at the plot's conclusion. Be it unrepaired damage or components added//changed/removed

Characters will instinctively know how to use their new bodies, but will still have to learn with practice to be skilled with them.

All effected characters must be listed here before entering play. Characters that leave the world (space, pocket dimensions, breaches) will be restored to normal immediately on leaving, and those arriving will be immediately effected on entering)
Alternative food
A substance has been found that can substitute for biofuel or normal food for individuals requiring this power source. Its seen as a black soup that doesn't really have much of a smell or taste.
Teleportation is now available near the tower via a large teleport pad that can hold a box truck. It can take people to Port Arkpoint, Forwen, and the Casmine Alliance.
(See a GM for travel desinations)
Lord Horologium
It has been repeated by many people a feeling of understanding and gratitude to a Lord Horologium. Nothing is known about this individual yet.
Previous warlords
Characters under influence, as notified to their players, will find the following names bad. Either digsuting, or hated.
Lord Ishrane
Lord Herien
Lord Bakuawna
Lord Merga
Lord Thane
Lord Mirre
Lord Ferosh
Lord Piera
The Towers
The towers are tall, 1300 feet tall (396 meters) of a dark purple/grey material, with a tripod base and several lights lining up. There are beams of energy projecting form the peak to nearby towers in the network, though these may be thousands of miles away. The towers themselves are protected by a massive displacement force field, anything going in that isn't suppose to be shunted to the outside.
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User Image
The characters
Characters will be becoming synthetic versions of themselves. Three versions are available
  1. Synthoid - Similar in appearance to normal organics but composed of polymer synthetics for skin, fur, and such. Outwardly colors and textures will be different
  2. Mech - Robots and mechanoids. Purely metal mechanical beings. Made of hard plates and fixed joints.
  3. Cybernetic - A mix of the two above. May have clearly artificial parts on synthetic appearances.

Some characters may gain extra abilities such as increased speed, night vision, etc. But no character will gain on board communication systems. No transmitters or receivers will be gained. Character with existing such systems will retain theirs however.

Existing cyborgs will either become Mech or Cybernetic categories above, however only their existing biological components will be effected.

Characters that are not biological, be it pure energy, mechanical, or such will remain unaffected.

Important changes to note:
  • Magic wielding characters will loose their abilities. They may gain magictek devices to replicate some or several effects from mana in the area/batterypacks/etc but raw magic wielding is lost to effected characters.
  • As the mind is unchanged it may not be able to keep up with the new bodies. Even if a character's body can now read 100 times faster, their mind being unaffected means they can still only process the data at the original speed.
  • Unless they have a system for it, characters are not self repairing. Though being metal new pieces/repairs can be manually performed.
  • Some characters can plug in to recharge a battery, some have on board reactors to generate power, all have some means of self sustaining their bodies.
  • Any character that makes alterations to their now mechanical bodies will be subject to lingering/permanent effects, changes, alterations at the plot's conclusion. Be it unrepaired damage or components added//changed/removed

Characters will instinctively know how to use their new bodies, but will still have to learn with practice to be skilled with them.

All effected characters must be listed here before entering play. Characters that leave the world (space, pocket dimensions, breaches) will be restored to normal immediately on leaving, and those arriving will be immediately effected on entering)
Alternative food
A substance has been found that can substitute for biofuel or normal food for individuals requiring this power source. Its seen as a black soup that doesn't really have much of a smell or taste.
Teleportation is now available near the tower via a large teleport pad that can hold a box truck. It can take people to Port Arkpoint, Forwen, and the Casmine Alliance.
(See a GM for travel desinations)
Lord Horologium
It has been repeated by many people a feeling of understanding and gratitude to a Lord Horologium. Nothing is known about this individual yet.
Previous warlords
Characters under influence, as notified to their players, will find the following names bad. Either digsuting, or hated.
Lord Ishrane
Lord Herien
Lord Bakuawna
Lord Merga
Lord Thane
Lord Mirre
Lord Ferosh
Lord Piera
  1. Alséurei Târiel
    Last Updated Aug 4, 2023 5:55 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid, mechanoid robot looking, with two arms that split into four. An onboard short range teleporter allows ver to still teleport though this decreases vis battery significantly. And a forcefield generator to protect verself or push things around like ve used to with telekinesis at short range. The magical abilities of aura reading, retrocognition, and such are of course lost.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  2. Andromeda
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid Skywolf with supplemental thrusters in wings. Equipped with holoprojectors in hands and a simple beep-booper. Still unable to talk.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
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    • Extra Effects
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  3. Brenner
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid Skywolf with supplemental thrusters for flight in his back. Becomes supercharged when Weaver is attached.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
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  4. Camorcha Lakoro
    Last Updated Jul 13, 2023 3:23 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Cam's cybernetic components will be unchanged, but the rest of him will gain sleek synthfur appearance.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
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  5. Cela
    Last Updated Aug 28, 2023 6:06 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Metal plated. Wings are solid foldable with a jetback built into their base for thrust. Flamethrower built into mouth with tungsten teeth.
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 1
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — No
    • Extra Effects — None
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  6. Cody Derringer
    • Mechanical Description — The full moon will be up when this his, so Cody will be stuck in plush form plus some other TF effects tbd
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  7. Dat Dem
    Last Updated Jul 17, 2023 7:41 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Cyber-Kobold - Chameleon Skin, has real-time sampling and synthetizer functions for uncanny mimickry, and can change her emotional 'tone'. All the tools she possessed in her leathers is now hidden somewhere in her chassis. Memory gel and metals make up more than 50% of her durable frame, making her hard to crush. Feels like a warforged, hopes this doesn't come with crippling depression.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  8. Davwyn
    Last Updated Aug 31, 2023 5:18 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Tiny synth dragon. Visor-style eyes and RGB lit panel stripes along the snout. Body is made of of high durability plastic paneling and precise mechanical actuators. Wings have been replaced with a ionic thruster that creates a holographic membrane when the wings are deployed, only the wing arms themselves are physical. High capacity super capacitor for batteries and multi-tool tail. Resembles some kind of expensive robotic dragon toy to the casual observer. Also doubles as a dragon mech for Rich can pilot inside of. https://rawr.murrp.com/profile/Davwyn/Dav_Synth.png
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 1
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Hardware connected to Dav's GPIO headers (These are friction-fitted and might blow off or become incorporated): GPS Drone Transponder Flight System Display with GPS Waypoint markers (UI looks like this https://www.pitlab.com/osd/layoutwlasny1.jpg https://www.pitlab.com/osd/layoutuser2.jpg ) Two-Way Radio (AM/FM/Wide Band) Most importantly, Rich has been inside of Dav piloting the minidrake for weeks almost constantly. While piloting Dav, the two shared an empathic bond sensing each other's emotions and could get a general idea of each other's surface-most thoughts.
    • Extra Effects — A telepathic link with Rich which will take time to develop. Cybernatic implants of gps positioner.
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  9. Fenrees
    • Mechanical Description — Towering Mechanized wolf, built in reridgeration units capable of drawing in heat, and expelling cold. (think Megaman X Sigma final boss, but feminine and with legs)
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  10. Ferral
    Last Updated Aug 31, 2023 5:18 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Ferral was in his jackal form when things went down. He's a smol full-mech jackal with numerous armor panels and structures, "almost" fitting together, suspended along an inner frame barely visible between the panels. His RF sensitivity translated into a capable passive electromagnetic sensor array, whose antennas are visible out of the back of his head and neck.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Got his "radio synthaesia" piped into a form he can actually comprehend.
    • Extra Effects — Built in cybernetic radio reciever that is always on until modified.
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  11. Fuzzle
    • Mechanical Description — Mech: A mechanoid reconstruction of his traditional fluff-taur self. Equipped with short range tractor beams in his four paws.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  12. Hâlian
    Last Updated Jul 17, 2023 4:47 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Cybernetic. Halian is a protogen so is already a cyborg. So this would only affect his organic side. He looks mostly normal, but with armor plates instead of fur. Loses telepathy and aura reading, but gains double the capability of his hard light arms.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  13. Hawking
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid bipedal wolf. No wings. High performance thrusters upon her back. Lopsided landing gears....
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  14. Ina Fortuna
    Last Updated Aug 28, 2023 3:10 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Cybernetic: Arms, legs, eyes, deep-in-ears, spine. Arms/legs: Absolute marvels of technology. Covered in a thick, smooth and incredibly durable crystalline casing. Padded digits with an incredibly durable but soft material similar to a mix of rubber and leather. Still has claws as her natural form. Spine/Ears/Eyes: The system that starts at the base of her tail and works up to the back and top of her head. There thin, golden lines run from the end of the spinal connection to her ears, eyes and limbs. Ears don't seem directly affected but does help with ear damaging noises. Her eyes help tone down incredibly bright things and are glowing an icy blue. Power: The entire system runs off of a mix of solar collection from arms and legs, as well as an efficient motion generation that both funnel power into incredibly advanced micro power-cells that hold a relatively long lasting amount of power.
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 1
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  15. Jacklyn Barbados
    Last Updated Aug 16, 2023 7:00 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Mechanical Description: Mecha 11' tall while standing. Powered by a weird arcano-tech reactor that appears to be powered by direct energy contact. Her whole system has been turned into an efficient hunting system of titanium and tungsten. Her sensors grant her a range of night and IR vision. Her claws can vibrate and heat up to temperatures that allow her to slice steel. Her fangs can puncture the hardest of armors. Her strength can now be applied to throwing whole cars. Her speed is relatively the same, but she can run at however much longer! Her armor plates can resist all but the heaviest of rounds. She is the ultimate mechanized predator... with no prey. Now relegated to simply return from the deep woods. <Similar to this> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363034517922906112/1141563070246817982/cybadger_by_wolfmagex_ddm2ggz-fullview1.jpg
    • Mechanical Description — Can be discussed but mostly yes.
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — No
    • Extra Effects — No
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    • Post Plot Modifications
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  16. John
    Last Updated Aug 31, 2023 5:18 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Very large dragon mech of mostly shiny red/gold plates. Quiet hydraulic sounds, internal reactor. Wings lacking membranes, acting as mounting point for multiple 'jet like' engines. Belly cargo bay and pilot controls. Voice/sound capability projected without mouth movement, synthetic undertones, loud. Gilor tech active. Reference (tacky recolor!): [url]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/483403500965986318/1129687859184537630/Recolored.png[/url]
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 2
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Cut open to have panels for anti gravity devices and tractor beam capabilites on the underside, as well as internal bracing to add this.
    • Extra Effects — Will not revert.
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  17. Kalista Phoenix
    • Mechanical Description — Resembling her original form, but made of metal instead of rock and stone. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/801798709981216769/1129200402416541796/Scan2023-01-18_165308.jpg
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  18. Laleine
    Last Updated Aug 28, 2023 6:21 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Is now a Ragel Droid instead of a Beast. Lacking the fox ears and tail. Has metal boots from knees down with jet boots on them. PDD Red now. Skin is a polymer with black circut patterns on it and metal caps over where human ears would be. Hair is polymer but style unchanged. Metal bands around wrists, and neck.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  19. Leeron Riao
    • Mechanical Description — Large armor bladed mecha kitty with old fur pattern on armor plates. Has titanium retractable claws. Downforce thrusters can pop out of panels on back to improve speed and traction. Voice has a synthizer quality to it.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  20. Little John
    Last Updated Aug 18, 2023 12:33 AM
    • Mechanical Description — A shiny golden housecat sized dragon. Body is made of tiny interlocking metal scale plates which move similar to fluid. His eyes are featureless ruby spheres which emit a glow from deep within. There is no sign of the harness he usually wears. Save for a subtle, more smoothed back look, he appears much like usual dragon self. Despite small size, alarmingly high power signature can be detected within by anyone able to sense such. (Original form.) Mirachoco synthetic. Durable furless body made of some form of seamless, featureless, neutral gray lycra bodysuit like polymer coating over apparent interlocking metal plate internals. All details beyond the vaguely choconoid form entirely hard light based, able to duplicate fine detail, texture, and feel of projected body. Gilor tech active.
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 1
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  21. Penumbra
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid Skywolf with supplemental thrusters. Ultra high performance, variable gain optic and sensor system able to detect outside of visible spectrum. Attuned to detecting spirits. Force energy projectors.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
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  22. Rayana
    Last Updated Jul 17, 2023 4:47 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid. Rayana has become a cybernetic eagle, mostly smooth synthoid build with metal wing struts jutting out from a jetpack built into her back. Her feathers are holographic.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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    • Post Plot Modifications
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  23. Rex
    Last Updated Aug 28, 2023 6:07 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid Skywolf with supplemental thrusters.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — -
    • Extra Effects — -
    • Extra Effects
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    • Post Plot Modifications
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  24. Rich
    Last Updated Aug 31, 2023 5:18 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Smol synth husky with smooth orange body, a face visor, and grabblign-hook hands that he can shoot out up to six feet.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — -
    • Extra Effects — Will be telepathically linked with Davwyn, though this will take time.
    • Extra Effects
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  25. Rick Borne
    Last Updated Jul 30, 2023 6:04 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Laser Cow. Robotic bovine of interlocking stainless steel plates. Audio is very '1980's speech synthesizer'. Eyes can project laser, primarily for precision landscaping duties and fire suppression. Capable of projecting stationary shield grid. Internal effective 'forever battery' power source. [url]https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=602[/url]
    • Mechanical Description — Yes, though he is not particularly adventurous or useful. Will also almost certainly revert back to bovine form post plot.
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 1
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  26. Sato Odiea
    • Mechanical Description — A mechanical tiger with metal platting. Covered in interlocking metal plates and joints. No claws, but has speech.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  27. Shelby Mustaine
    Last Updated Aug 30, 2023 6:07 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Shelby had become a synthoid that very closely resembles his biological counterpart. [bullet] For Shelby's exterior, his hair is made of polyester, and the skin being faux fur (fake fur) layered on top of thin silicone rubber padding. Claws/fingernails are now hard epoxy, and his eyes have become two individual LED screens. [bullet] As for his interior, Shelby has an endoskeleton comprised of interlocking/intersecting steel metal sheets. A single layer of metal sheets covers the outer layer of the endoskeleton, separating the exterior skin from the internal structure and components. Shelby's computing hardware is located in the head, and batteries in the chest with the charging socket on top of the base of his tail. His toes, fingers, ears, and mouth are actuated by electrically driven pulley systems, but other body parts like the arms, legs, neck, and tail are hydraulically driven.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  28. Solaria Starwisp
    • Mechanical Description — Both Luma and Umbra being creatures made of plasma, crystal, and trace elements were not affected at all by the towers.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
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  29. Takilaria
    • Mechanical Description — A mechanical serpentine with ball joints along her body for articulation. Posses anti grav tech to fly, though has been reduced to seven feet long. No whiskers, white color.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
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  30. Tara Havil
    • Mechanical Description — Vulpine synthezoid, capable of channeling electricity with copper conducters inlaid into arms and two tesla coil domes over her chest.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
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  31. Telia Rhinehart
    Last Updated Aug 31, 2023 5:18 PM
    • Mechanical Description — [url=https://i.gyazo.com/dd913c257be4d28e8b12d90c2267be03.png]Robodragon - Heavily Armed and Stylized[/url] Nanobot and contact suite integrated into system (ID, Comms, VR/Uplink). Powerful internal reactor with heat-based empowerment, but overheating risks system shutdowns - has a number of heatsinks/vents throughout chassis to manage. Overall loss of emotive capability due to static faceplate and loss of both fine tactile sensation and manual dexterity, only able to get past the former with intonation in her voice (Upset about this!). Unable to access subspace pocket (Also upset about this) - only has access to sword and whatever onboard weaponry she's 'built with'. Pilebunker-empowered fists, energy wave emitter in mouth, jump and foldable hover-thrusters allow for limited flight, but too heavy to do sustained 'cruises' like before.
    • Mechanical Description — Sure
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 2
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Silver threars run throughout
    • Extra Effects — Silver threads remain, small and flexible so not impeding movement. Creates a weave around scales on surface of where silver poked out. This area lacks normal scale protection and easily transmits energy, be it magical or thermal throughout.
    • Extra Effects
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  32. Thomas O'Rua
    Last Updated Aug 31, 2023 5:18 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Large synthoid eastern dragon with antigrav hover capabilities and drone deploy ability. Drones can project hardlight illusions to interact with the world and be piloted. Four major drones are also equipped with elemental capabilites relating to fire, ice, wind, and lightning.
    • Mechanical Description — He did, but then managed to dodge the whole thing.
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — -
    • Extra Effects — None
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    • Post Plot Modifications
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  33. Tochodamitatsu
    Last Updated Aug 28, 2023 6:27 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Futuristic semi-plush children's toy version of large reddish blonde raccoon self. Internal anti-grav effector allows low velocity hover/float. Two particularly fluffyfloofy raccoon tails can spin in a low RPM propellor like motion that seems to be more for appearance than effective propulsion. Very lightweight, child-safe strength, effectively impervious to stains/mold/mildew. Slow self mending/cleaning function. Fully child safe! [url]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/801798709981216769/1129694494313422858/TwoTail.png[/url]
    • Mechanical Description — Yes, but he is seriously nerfed and mostly just amusing floating plush.
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
    • Extra Effects
    • Modifications
    • Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
  34. Trenton Vect
    Last Updated Aug 28, 2023 3:11 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Cybernetic: Techpriest: Arms/Legs/Back/Head Back: A large back-pack that appears to be melded into the skin via an odd bio-metallic lattice. Within the pack is a reactor that powers his limbs and equipment. It is a constant and steady power source that vents its heat via upward vents. On the sides are several large clamping-claws, plasma-based welding torches and odd smaller multi-clamp claws. His back appears to attach directly to the legs. Legs: Bulky, blocky but very steady walking system that has a set of treads built in as well as a set of magnetic clamps. On either side, within reach of the clamps and hands are a set of compartments that can be filled with misc-pieces and parts. Arms: His arms are largely the same, but on closer inspection, seem to be wrapped in tendrils whose bases are mounted in large blocky portions attached at where his shoulders would be which are also attached to the large pack. Head: Swapped with a large metallic dragon skull. Several sensors have replaced his eyes and ears. A multitude of lenses and optical sensors. Ears are replaced with a set of antenna. Within the mouth is a flamethrower that is very much for aesthetic purposes. His voice, now mechanical can be heard from a speaker system mounted under his chest. Due to his antenna, he actually can receive telecommunications if he is tuned into the proper frequency. Overall: Very much like a true Techpriest of Mars.
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
    • Extra Effects
    • Modifications
    • Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
  35. Tristan
    • Mechanical Description — Synthoid with long, fluffy, synthetic hair. No innate powers, but has a large, very high capacity battery that can be used to (super)charge others.
    • Mechanical Description — No
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — None
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
    • Extra Effects
    • Modifications
    • Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
  36. Willowmic Odiea
    Last Updated Jul 30, 2023 6:04 PM
    • Mechanical Description — A synthetic white tiger with polymer skin in her stripes, but no floof just smooth skin. Unable to shift but can speak normally in this form.
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 2
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
    • Extra Effects
    • Modifications
    • Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
  37. Zed
    Last Updated Jul 30, 2023 6:04 PM
    • Mechanical Description — Zed's already an extremely advanced cyborg, he'll go cybernetic with shiny polymers replacing what parts of him are technically organic.
    • Mechanical Description — Yes
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans — Tier 1
    • Volunteer for extra plot shenanigans
    • Extra Effects
    • Extra Effects
    • Modifications
    • Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications
    • Post Plot Modifications

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Davwyn and Solaria
Aug 31, 2023 6:54 PM
Re: March of the Machines
Plot Review
Did you participate in this play?

What were some things you really liked about the plot?
Everyone got to try out new forms, tons of cross-character interactions happened between both familiar and new characters, and everyone had a chance to get a life changing experience out of their respective roles.
On top of that, everyone that was interested was able to play an important part in the event, big or small.

Where did this plot fail and need to improve?
The only need I saw was we need players to work harder at posting into the forum thread character events going on so everyone is up to speed. Many details were often left out or not mentioned making players have to read gigantic back logs or otherwise suffer missing out on a lot of important details.
One big excuse was players not having knowledge of specific events. That doesn't matter. Put OOC details under an OOC information clause, so people know what is going on with the plot.
Just make it clear what knowledge most characters would have vs most would not.
It was stressful for some players as they felt if they didn't read every log, they couldn't take part.

How fun was this plot?

How was player participation?

How was staff participation?

How was plot creativity?

Would you like more plots like this in the future?
Aug 31, 2023 6:49 PM
Re: March of the Machines
Plot Review
Did you participate in this play?

What were some things you really liked about the plot?
It was a way to get players involved, an overarching story with plot to solve.

Where did this plot fail and need to improve?
there was a lot going on, and was difficult to follow.

How fun was this plot?

How was player participation?

How was staff participation?

How was plot creativity?

Would you like more plots like this in the future?
Aug 14, 2023 7:22 PM
Re: March of the Machines
On the evening of the 20th, there was a major incident. Air raid sirens sounded and people would've observed the MAF scrambling all aircraft. A few minutes later, Lord Horologium themselves appeared over Marsilion, coming to rest over the lake. They called for "Unit 179827198798423231" to reveal themselves, and deployed stationary machine towers around the city which disrupted extra-spatial effects.

After apparently finding their quarry, Lord Horologium then proceeded to take 2% of the transformed population by forcing them to march towards the main tower. General Lance called upon the citizenry to try and stop any who were being taken and also ordered the MAF's FG-2 Bandicoots to fire upon the new stationary towers, damaging them and rendering them inoperable. The mayor was among those who were attempted to be kidnapped, but luckily a guard was able to intervene and immobilize them until the effect passed, at which point they returned to normal.

The MAF is going to be investigating the damaged towers Horologium dropped, and ordering citizens to keep their distance.
Aug 2, 2023 3:04 AM
Re: March of the Machines
The Event:
Roughly a day after the shift in instinctual behaviors that many mechanized experienced (Let's call it August 1st, a little after dark) an interesting and very bright sky phenomenon occurred. Lines of light shot into and swept around the sky towards the south east of Marsillon. Hundreds of light beams seemed to converge at a location quite far away to the southeast at what seems to be in the deep south of the badlands. The beams of light swept up and down the sky there almost as if advertising the location somehow.

For Those Near Towers:
Pretty much every tower this side of the planet started firing angrily at something, abruptly starting a charge over nothing in particular and then firing a collection of light beams at the above location. I'm uncertain if they fired nearly forty at once or if each beam required a separate charge. Afterwards the towers all remained glowing yellow, holding a charge and seem to be remaining that way for now.

Report to MAF and Allies:
"So the good news is, these things CAN be destroyed. The bad news is that it didn't un-mech the region as far as I can tell. Not a lot of plants in the Badlands that can be seen from way up here, so in retrospect that was a flaw with this plan. Oh, and it makes the rest of the towers really angry. Back to good news though, they're really bad at tracking where threats from very far away come from, or maybe that's just cause there was no energy signal for it to track? That light show you just saw was all blind firing. Back to bad news though, even blind firing with a thousand attacks that cover that much ground at damn near the speed of light is hard to dodge. I think I broke a rib... ow."

<Images attached of location with tower and glowing 'leylines' before and after with leylines broken and region of tower in the badlands very heftily destroyed.>

<Clip attached of roughly thirty towers firing a sweeping pattern of lasers converging underneath from what appears to be an orbital perspective. Analysis of attack pattern and properties annotated with clip, including a parting observation, "Clip cut off when they started getting closer because things got hectic. They actually don't hit as hard as I thought they would, but still felt like getting hit by a bus. Not that I've experienced that, but still... ow.">

•Update Fifteen Minutes Later:
"Oh, this is probably also really important... the field turning everything biological actually ends far enough away from the planet. Somewhere between 250 to 300 kilometers. Almost really messed things up when the giant rod of metal I was dropping turned back into a tree trunk. Thankfully it turned back when it got closer."

Update Two Hours Later:
"Oh come on! They replaced it? I guess that makes sense, but it's still annoying. And now they're glowing full time. Hopefully that's a strain on the enemy's resources though, and if they stop... well we know we can destroy these things now and they don't retaliate until after they're hit. I bet if we take them all out at once they'll be helpless for at least two hours. Recommended for tactical consideration."

<Attached clip of a new tower flying towards the location of the previously destroyed tower from the direction of the invisibility dome by Bakuawna's territory.>
For clarity the scouting mission takes place before this.
Aug 1, 2023 10:53 AM
Re: March of the Machines
The Event:
Roughly a day after the shift in instinctual behaviors that many mechanized experienced (Let's call it August 1st, a little after dark) an interesting and very bright sky phenomenon occurred. Lines of light shot into and swept around the sky towards the south east of Marsillon. Hundreds of light beams seemed to converge at a location quite far away to the southeast at what seems to be in the deep south of the badlands. The beams of light swept up and down the sky there almost as if advertising the location somehow.

Spoiler tag with nothing in it to see if this fixes the mobile issue:
Guess mobile skips the first spoiler of a post?

For Those Near Towers:
Pretty much every tower this side of the planet started firing angrily at something, abruptly starting a charge over nothing in particular and then firing a collection of light beams at the above location. I'm uncertain if they fired nearly forty at once or if each beam required a separate charge. Afterwards the towers all remained glowing yellow, holding a charge and seem to be remaining that way for now.

Report to MAF and Allies:
"So the good news is, these things CAN be destroyed. The bad news is that it didn't un-mech the region as far as I can tell. Not a lot of plants in the Badlands that can be seen from way up here, so in retrospect that was a flaw with this plan. Oh, and it makes the rest of the towers really angry. Back to good news though, they're really bad at tracking where threats from very far away come from, or maybe that's just cause there was no energy signal for it to track? That light show you just saw was all blind firing. Back to bad news though, even blind firing with a thousand attacks that cover that much ground at damn near the speed of light is hard to dodge. I think I broke a rib... ow."
•Attached images of a region in the badlands both 'before' and 'after'. It's after dark so the 'after' picture is mostly the lack of leylines to the region in question.
•Attached video clip of towers spewing lasers from an orbital perspective. The lasers in the start of the clip seem to be focused at least fifty miles away, but getting closer. The clip cuts off before they get too close.
•Attached are annotations about how many beams seem to fire, charging time, how quickly they seem to pivot, and the estimated force of impact (roughly equivalent to canon fire) with the added note that that's from two hundred plus miles distant and they're potentially stronger up close.

•Update Fifteen Minutes Later:
"Oh, this is probably also really important... the field turning everything biological actually ends far enough away from the planet. Somewhere between 250 to 300 kilometers. Almost really messed things up when the giant rod of metal I was dropping turned back into a tree trunk. Thankfully it turned back when it got closer."

Update Two Hours Later:
"Oh come on! They replaced it? I guess that makes sense, but it's still annoying. And now they're glowing full time. Hopefully that's a strain on the enemy's resources though, and if they stop... well we know we can destroy these things now and they don't retaliate until after they're hit. I bet if we take them all out at once they'll be helpless for at least two hours. Recommended for tactical consideration."

Jul 28, 2023 7:01 PM
Re: March of the Machines
General Lance and the current Mayor will issue an announcement that Marsilion will be working jointly with the other free cities across the planet to investigate and try to put an end to this. In the coming days they will be setting up a joint military base and investigating some anomalies nearby Marsilion.

They also issued a warning to report any strange mental effects, especially if they concern something called "Lord Horologium." They will make it public that they think whoever or whatever Lord Horologium is, they're the one responsible for this and they don't have the people's best interests in mind.
Davwyn and Solaria
Jul 18, 2023 1:58 PM
Re: March of the Machines
Rich the Mini-Dragon Mech Pilot: From their new found mechanical bodies it was discovered that Rich's tiny anthro robotic dog form is compatible with Davwyn's mechanical minidrake form. Rich being able to climb inside Dav's back and dock inside as if the minidrake was a large power armor suit. Within Rich is able to pilot Dav while maintaining a empathic connection with Dav's mind allowing Rich to not only fly and control Dav's body as if it were his own, but have Dav stand bipedal and speak through the tiny dragon as if he were Dav.
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