Welcome Guest Board Index > Character Database > Davwyn
1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
Icon by Tiomara
NicknameDav, Jasper (By Q)
SpeciesMinidrake (Tiny pet dragon)
Arrival MethodBlack Breach
PlayerDavwyn and Solaria
Created2/10/21 6:52 AM
Last Edited7/27/24 11:02 AM
Approved2/11/21 8:20 PM
  • Height: 6" — 15 cm
  • Length: 1'4" — 41 cm
  • Weight: 9lbs — 4.08kg
  • Apparent Age: 5 years old (young adult)
  • Character Build: Thin
  • Body Type: Winged Quadruped
  • Usual Clothing: Pet collar, sometimes wearing a saddle
  • Voice: Non-speaking raspy and squeaking voice sounding in-between a lizard, bird, and cat trill
  • Usual Scent: Typical male minidrake scent
  • Description:
    A tiny dragon, some may call a minidrake, lap dragon or shoulder dragon. The tiny creature has all of the usual traits of a western dragon, two leathery wings, four paws that look part way between lizard and bird-like, a long neck and tail, a head with bright yellow cat-like eyes, long narrow snout rowed with tiny sharp teeth, and a pair of slightly down swept horns on the back of his head. The minidrake would be a clear parallel of a housecat for the dragon species.

    The small creature makes murrps, squeaks, chirps, skrak, and churr sounding vocalizations sounding somewhat similar to both feline and bird noises but not quite either.

    The overall appearance and demeanor of the creature gives a clear suggestion that this is a pet of some sort. The scaly body is well kept and any typical feral characteristics of behavior are clearly absent. None of the tiny claws, horns, or bite look like a threat, likely able to do just a bit more damage than a cat would.

    The minidrake wears a collar clearly appearing to be someones pet and he is quite friendly and passive when not otherwise timid and cautious.

    Worn on his neck is an elastic webbed collar with a curious magical blue gem embedded into a metal socket with tiny runes engraved all around the gem. The collar band itself also has runes sewn into it providing a protective warming effect for the small creature wearing it to keep them warm when out in cold weather. The charm keeps a warm bubble of air around the host acting as a thermal barrier.

    Worn on his neck is an elastic webbed collar with a curious magical blue gem embedded into a metal socket with tiny runes engraved all around the gem. The collar band itself also has runes sewn into it providing a protective warming effect for the small creature wearing it to keep them warm when out in cold weather. The charm keeps a warm bubble of air around the host acting as a thermal barrier.

    The collar has a small D-ring with the following tags hanging in order:
    -A gold brass tag with "Dav" engraved on it
    -A black tag with white text engraved reading "I'm a sentient minidrake. If found alone, please return to Willomic Odiea or Rich. I might not understand you and cannot speak." with an address
    -A steel tag with vet information
    -An orange tag that contains sentient registration information marking this minidrake as sentient, even if he doesn't seem to act like it.
    -Tag indicating Welcome Centre examined and tested him on Feb 12th, 2021 and found good health and not hazardous.

    The minidrake's scales is a beautiful scattering of reds over the majority of the body mostly bright red in colourization with subtle highlights towards yellow. The majority of the body has small scales neatly all aligned pointed towards the tail and get slightly larger in size on the back. The scales are soft and squishy but fairly tough like thin leather. The wings a soft, smooth and flexible but tough material are a lighter shade of red, while the underside from the collar bone to the base of the tail a pale-yellow colour nicely contrasting the red all around it made out of fine meshed scales almost like skin. The horns and claws are almost completely black; and the eyes a piercing vibrant golden-yellow with slit pupils and shine like cat eyes.

    Upon close examination one would find that he is warm to the touch, being hot-blooded like a bird. The snout has curious little bumpy ridges along the top of it and otherwise sort of resembles that of a wide alligator's snout, and the fore paws have five flexible digits each with a slightly hooked claw tipping the end looking built for gripping and climbing, but lack the sort of dexterity to work like hands. The hind paws only have four digits with the fifth sticking out of the back of the leg acting as a tiny dewclaw functionally like a heel-spur, a natural weapon used to scratch at a foe that were to try and pounce him from behind. Similarly, the wings have little horn nubs on the elbow joints of the wings likely to serve the same purpose as the heel spurs.

    Other than scent it's difficult to know with complete certainty that the minidrake is male, having to guess based on the vibrant colouring, build, and behavior as no other defining characteristics are plainly visible.

    User Image
Dragon Plush Toy
  • Height: 6" — 15 cm
  • Length: 1'4" — 41 cm
  • Weight: 2.01lbs — 0.91kg
  • Apparent Age: Clean bright materials appear to be like-new off the shelf.
  • Character Build: Average
  • Body Type: Winged Quadruped
  • Usual Clothing: Blue ribbon bow on neck and tail. Gold heart locket on collar.
  • Voice: Toyish squeaks, minidrake vocalizations
  • Usual Scent: Plush materials, artificial stuffing, and vinyl materials
  • Description:
    A plush toy version of Dav's minidrake form.

    Dav's plush toy form can rescale from standard minidrake size down to 2 inches long nose to tail tip, or as large as 7 feet long nose to tail tip. (Long neck and tail)

    The plush toy is a bright clean red, with bright yellow underside from the base of the neck, chest to the base of the tail. The whole body made out of a soft plush except for two soft black vinyl horns on the head and matching claws on the paws.

    On the base of his tail is a label with "Wizard Toys" embroidered on it with the 'A' forming the top point of the star. On the other side is washing instructions that state: "Machine wash warm, tumble dry warm, disregard protests" along with the text "This toy is sentient."

    The stuffed toy wears a bright cerulean ribbon collar tied into a bow on the back of the neck and a matching bow on the tail. Hanging from the neck ribbon is a small shiny gold locket in the shape of a heart with a diary keyhole in the center.

    The stuffed toy is the expected light weight one would expect from a normal stuffed animal, and if Dav stays still he appears to be a completely normal toy. Only when the stuffed dragon moves or make noises is it obvious he's animated. The toy can animate the painted mesh eyes to emote and blink like a cartoon character but typically the eyes remain static like a normal toy's would.

    One may locate a zipper hidden under a seamless flap of material down the spine of the toy. If unzipped it appears the stuffed dragon has a silk lining inside and has a hollow space in which someone small enough could wear him as a suit.
Dragon Plush Suit
  • Old Size: Changes in scale to fit the wearer (within limits) Information
  • Apparent Age: Clean bright materials appear to be like-new off the shelf.
  • Character Build: Average
  • Body Type:
  • Usual Clothing: Blue ribbon bow on neck and tail. Gold heart locket on collar.
  • Voice: Toyish squeaks, minidrake vocalizations, wearer speaks with a specific draconic voice that sounds na
  • Usual Scent: Plush materials, artificial stuffing, and vinyl materials, and of the wearer's scent
  • Description:
    A special state of Dav's plush toy form whenever someone wears him. (See Dragon Plush Toy form above)

    While in plush toy form, if the zipper on Dav's back is opened, the plush toy will fall open to reveal a silk lined hollow inside as a one-piece plush costume that can be worn.

    When someone attempts to wear him, Dav will shift in shape and size to fit the body shape of the one wearing him. If worn by someone anthropomorphic, Dav will take on an anthro shape to match becoming a biped plush dragon suit in which the one wearing him can use his fore-paws as hands. If the wearer is a quadruped, Dav will remain in a quadruped shape. If the wearer is elongated such as a ferret, snake or eastern dragon, Dav will still have four legs, wings, and tail by will elongate to fit the wearer.

    While worn, the wearer will find that despite Dav being a thick and heavy plush suit, they will not feel hot inside. It will feel like room temperature inside of Dav regardless of if it's cold or hot outside with exception of extreme temperatures.

    Also when worn, the wearer will find their voice is replaced with Dav's voice, including ability to make toyish squeaks and draconic sounds as if they were Dav. If the wearer could speak originally, they will be able to speak using Dav's voice.

    If the wearer has hands, they will maintain most of their dexterity, able to grasp and handle items, and whenever they will to grasp something, the hand-paws will grip things as if wearing proper gloves with full gripping material. Otherwise the paws will act soft and plush like as normal. The wearer's fingers fit inside of the vinyl claws of Dav's paws.

    If the wearer does not have a tail or wings, Dav will animate those body parts for them. Otherwise body parts the wearer occupies has primary control over movement, but Dav is able to 'nudge' his wearer to move in specific ways if they allow it.

    Dav can only become this version of his form when being worn by someone. Otherwise his plush toy form remains in normal Dragon Plush Toy shape in the forms list above.

    While worn, Dav has the ability that in an emergency he can eject his wearer out of himself by automatically unzipping and a magical force shoves Dav and wearer apart, but the effect is uncomfortable and disorienting for both suit and wearer. This effect cannot be activated if the zipper is covered up or there are obstacles that won't allow enough space for the wearer to be ejected. This includes situations such as the person wearing Dav putting on clothes over top of the suit.
20th century Earth world without magic that borderlines other realities but very difficult to breach into or out of.
Flying mount
Dav acts as a flying mount for Rich, a size shifting anthro dog who typically is 3 inches tall. Although Dav is small, he's the perfect size for a tiny rider like Rich and is able to get him around far better than drones or toy sized electric cars.
Immortal soul
Although death is otherwise normal, Dav's soul or essence is bound to another causing him to reincarnate over and over again, usually into different realities. Typically most memories are lost in the process, but due to the unusual traits of the black breach to Infinitas, Dav's mind remained intact but his body did not. Making him find himself in a body his soul is familiar with, but not his mind.
Both the Welcome Centre and Orphanage have determined Davwyn to be sentient but very animal-like in behaviour deeming him 'intelligent animal, sentient'. As such he's given rights as a sentient being, but otherwise handled and treated like an intelligent animal.
  • Benji — First person to find Davwyn upon him breaching into Infinitas. Was very kind and quite likely saved Davwyn from dying in the cold snow where he arrived. Benji brought Davwyn to the Welcome Centre and checked up on him after he was transferred to the Orphanage.
  • Rich — Dav's rider. The incredibly tiny husky has taken to having Dav as his steed, giving the minidrake a saddle and having Dav to get around town. This makes Dav incredibly happy as it gives him something to do and gives the minidrake freedom to explore while still being supervised by someone he trusts. Rich is often found riding on Dav's saddle as he flies around town.
  • Solaria Starwisp — Dav shares a special bond with Solaria, his very soul connected with her. The two have a special connection with each other that is mysterious and complex.
  • Thomas O'Rua — Best noodle dragon friend of Dav's. Thomas aka 'Storm' has become good friends with Dav over time and often allows the minidrake to tag along with him when he's out and about to keep an eye on the minidrake while giving Dav some freedom.
  • Willowmic Odiea — Dav has been adopted and entrusted to Willow as his caretaker. Dav tends to act like a pet around Willow but she acknowledges he's intelligent even if he usually requires supervision.
  • An intelligent pet being taken care of by Willowmic and acting as Rich's dragon steed to get around town.
Saddle and reins (Edit)
Dav has a fitted saddle and reins he wears usually when Rich is riding him. The saddle and reins are made out of leather and designed to fit on Dav's back in a way that doesn't get in the way of his wings.

The saddle is secured in several places with adjustable straps and the reins are fitted as a loose head mount on the back of Dav's head and horns, leaving his snout completely free of any muzzle.

The saddle itself is equipped with pilot 5-point belts to secure his rider in place even if Dav were to go up-side down.

The saddle has also been enchanted so that if Davwyn changes into his plush toy form, the saddle changes with him into a toy version of itself.
Old kennel notecard (no longer exists, kept for prosperity) (Edit)
A professional sheet provided by the veterinary department of the Welcome Centre

-Responds to name: Davwyn, Dav
-Species: Common petty minidrake. Unknown reality origin of species.
-Physical age: Estimated 3 to 5 years old (adult)
-Weight: 9 lbs
-Length: 16 inches
-Height to shoulder: 6 inches
-Diet: Strict carnivore. Give meat-based diet and plenty of water. Metabolism rate varies based on activity, adjust food intake depending on activity such as running or flying.
-Sleep needs: Expected to nap a few times a day and sleep 6 or more hours at night. Sleep schedule can vary.
-Blood type: Hot-blooded (avian-like)
-Temperature preference: 70-77F (21-25c)
-Personality: Pet-like, friendly, gentle, timid. Takes well to being handled once familiar with someone. Requires direct supervision like a normal animal.

-Intelligence testing spell confirmed:
     -Basic sentience
     -No arithmetic ability
     -Language limited to equivalent of 5 year old
     -Partial logic solving skills
     -Ability to reason
     -No ability to mind-voice. Speech and Translation collars do not work.

Subject's entry method was a Black Breach. As such he may remember things from his previous life that may not have been as a minidrake.

Although sentient and fairly intelligent, subject was found to be considered an intelligent animal and agreed to being sent to the orphanage for adoption as a pet.
  • Basic evasion and mediocre tactics
    • Training:
      Possesses the typical reflexes of a minidrake, similar to that of a house cat or bird. Able to dodge on both ground and air reflexively.
  • Difficult to trap
    • Training:
      Doesn't easily fall for baits, traps, and tactics like cornering or luring that are normally effective on typical animals and minidrakes.
  • Abnormally intelligent
    • Description:
      Although an animal, this minidrake seems to possess understanding of tools, traps, and common tactics that would normally be beyond an animal's understanding. If it wasn't for the limited dexterity of his paws it might have been possible he could operate simple devices.
  • Basic animal training and understands English
  • Flying Mount Training
  • Understands late 20th Century English (spoken/written). Cannot speak.
  • If wearing his special collar charm, Dav can display holographic emoji and symbols above his head
Parnormal Abilities
Plasma beam breath (Edit)
  • Description:
    A tiny nickle-sized ball of plasma builds up in the maw and fired out like a rail-gun. High speed and long ranged but requires time to charge. Longer charge time creates a denser ball of plasma which does more damage and has more penetration.

    A short charge attack is weak enough that leather can block it but it will burn the material.

    The effect of this attack can be boosted into 'hyper beam' if Umbra or Luma touch Davywn and give them a chunk of their plasma to super-charge him. Umbra adds the dark starwisp plasma effect to his beam which makes the beam retain heat and damage increasing distance and accuracy, and Luma adds a stronger intensity, range, and explosive effect to the attack.
  • Limits:
    Max charge of 10 seconds can punch through a 1/4 inch thick iron plate.
    Without aid only a few shots can be fired in the course of several hours.
  • Repercussions:
  • Other:
    Synergy with starwisp species converting their plasma-based attacks from medium range to long range in the form of turning the attacks into a tiny railgun shot
  • Description:
    From Dav and Rich's experience during the event when everyone was turned into mechs, during that time Rich and Dav's forms were able to connect together and Rich would pilot Dav around like he were a manned robotic drone. During that time Rich spent the better part of a month staying inside of Dav and sharing Dav's body with him acting as if one being and while connected they had a strong empathic connection to each other.

    After changing back to their living rooms, the connection remained. Weakened but unbroken. As such, as long as Rich allows his body to pass out, he is able to remotely up to a mile possess Dav, seeing through Dav's eyes and control his body as if he were Dav. The two share control of the body together while in this possessed state.

    Even while not possessed, Dav and Rich can sense each other's emotional state and sense 'intents' from each other (desired actions).
  • Limits:
    -1 mile range
    -Rich's body passes out while possessing Dav
    -While possessed by Rich, the body is still bound by it's physical limitations (eg. eyes can only look in one direction), but with two minds controlling it, Rich and Dav can delegate mental power allowing the minidrake to multi-task.
  • Repercussions:
    -Moving outside of the 1 mile range breaks the connection and is very disorienting
    -Although Rich and Dav can take turns sleeping and controlling the body, in flesh form his body still needs rest. In plush form only mental sleep is required.
Plush Toy/Suit Transformation (Edit)
  • Description:
    Davwyn at will can shift into his plush toy form. An effect purchased from the grand wizard Benji.

    See 'Dragon Plush Toy' and 'Dragon Plush Toy Suit' in forms list.

    Dav can also re-scale his plush toy from to a small as 4 inches long (quad), or 2 inches (biped); or as big as 7 feet long (quad), or 6 feet tall (biped). Biped forms only possible when being worn by someone. He can shift to slightly larger or smaller forms only specifically when being worn by someone those sizes if they are able to initially fit him such as Rich who size changes.

    If Dav is wearing his saddle and reins they will transform with him into a matching toy-version of a saddle and reins that are somewhat attached to him, becoming part of the plush toy form.

    Dav retains the ability to fly while in plush toy form, but not fly as gracefully or fast as he would if he were flesh.
  • Limits:
    -Can only shift between forms if not suffering any major injuries. Otherwise he must be healed or repaired before he can shift
    -Minor damage or injuries (cuts, scratches, bumps, tiny tears) are 'remembered' on each form and remain until healed or repaired.
    -If something or something is inside of Dav in plush toy form, they are ejected during the transformation. If the obstruction can't be ejected Dav cannot transform.
    -Dav can only transform if there is space to do so.
    -Dav can fly in his plush toy form, even when worn, but the larger the size the more clumbsy the flight becomes.
    -If Dav is in his plush suit version of his form, he cannot walk around while not being worn as he doesn't have enough structure. Only able to make small movements like wiggling tail and wings.
  • Repercussions:
    -Can only shift once every half an hour. Each shift takes energy so constant shifting will be exhausting. Too many shifts and Dav will pass out or go inanimate for a while (depending on the last form)
TK Shield / TK Field (Edit)
  • Description:
    A small typically invisible bubble of force surrounds the body, deflecting high speed projectiles such as arrows, low calibre rounds, or energy bolts.

    This ability has also upgraded to a TK field allowing Davwyn to telekinetically grapple onto nearby small objects or surfaces to push or pull on them, including allowing him to lift himself into the air or climb up surfaces. Objects/Surfaces must be within 3 feet of him.
  • Limits:
    Can only deflect glancing blows, direct hits absorb some inertia.
    Low-speed attacks such as grabs or pounces do not trigger the effect.
    TK shield can only take a few hits before running out of energy and may take several minutes to recharge.
    TK field requires concentration and limited to 10 pounds of force.
  • Other:
    Synergy with starwisp TK fields. Can either boost the starwisp's range of influence, or starwisp can boost shield size and strength if minidrake and starwisp are in touch range. (A Starwisp TK field is the area in which starwisps can lift and manipulate objects as the creatures do not have appendages.)
Plasma resistance / Starwisp touch immunity (Edit)
  • Description:
    Body is resistant to plasma based attacks. Plasma appears to partially be absorbed or otherwise deflected away from the body by an invisible field just above the flesh.
    Immunity to being burned when touching starwisps which are plasma-based creatures.
  • Limits:
    Ability does not give resistance to environmental heat, long term exposure, or related effects.
    Does not give immunity to molten liquids or solid projectiles.
Limited Telepathy (Edit)
  • Description:
    Able to telepathically communicate specifically with starwisps or those able to handle the starwisp electromagnetic based language when within medium range, assuming the starwisp opens communication. This effect is permanently active with Solaria/Luma/Umbra. This telepathy is raw and direct, incapable of delivering verbal communication but can exchange intent and empathetic information.
  • Limits:
    This ability only works with starwisps or those able to understand the starwisp electromagnetic language. Other telepaths can intercept the communication but it would be jumbled and nonsensical. Only emotional/empathetic information would be tangible.
Cybernetic Implants (From Mech event) (Edit)
  • Description:
    Although not visible from the outside, Dav has some embedded cybernetic components in him.
    -GPS + Transponder: The transponder registers Dav as belonging to Rich with the callsigns expected for a remote control drone. Dav appears on aircraft IFF / TACS readouts.
    -Waypoint system: Rich is able to set GPS waypoints in which Dav senses as a direction to travel
  • Limits:
    Dav can enable or disable these systems, but that's it. When enabled the GPS and Transponder always broadcasts the same TACS information.
Strange aura and signature (Edit)
  • Description:
    For those able to detect spiritual auras or traces of dimensional signatures, this minidrake's aura is a confusing wash of multiple auras as if the soul has gone through countless lives and visited countless worlds.

    There is also a more recent magical transformation aura applied to him that seems to do with an ability to transform on demand to some alternate form. (Plush Toy Form)
  • Limits:
    No practical uses other than ease of scrying by those deeply familiar due to the abnormal aura. May make scrying more difficult for others as the aura is so 'muddied' by so many different stacked signatures.

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Davwyn and Solaria
Oct 31, 2023 2:20 PM
Re: Davwyn
Updated a few details, added new powers from events.
Davwyn and Solaria
Oct 29, 2023 4:00 PM
Re: Davwyn
Updated Infinitas relationships
Davwyn and Solaria
Oct 29, 2023 3:32 PM
Re: Davwyn
Plush toy transformation upgrade.
Updated details about Dav
Need to still add minor edits updating description of collar and other minor details.
Davwyn and Solaria
Jul 10, 2021 7:12 PM
Re: Davwyn
Moved final ability from moderator-only notes to main sheet to become a 'minor edit' when the abilities show themselves in roleplay. Still awaiting approval to move abilities from moderator-only notes to main character sheet.
Davwyn and Solaria
Jul 10, 2021 9:40 AM
Re: Davwyn
With long term exposure to Solaria and his body and mind having to adjust, Dav's latent abilities are beginning to reactivate. The abilities will come in gradually, only having slight and inconsistent effects as they work themselves back into operation.
His final ability, will take longer to appear.
Davwyn and Solaria
Feb 13, 2021 12:42 PM
Re: Davwyn
New notecards on kennel
Davwyn and Solaria
Feb 12, 2021 8:09 PM
Re: Davwyn
Tagged by the Welcome Center with a collar
Davwyn and Solaria
Feb 11, 2021 9:14 PM
Re: Davwyn
Several edits all to fix small grammar errors and figure out how to set the picture correctly, Google mangled it, switched to using my own server
Feb 11, 2021 8:20 PM
Re: Davwyn
Approved, with the standard boilerplate warning
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