Welcome Guest Board Index > Character Database > Benji
1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
SpeciesPlush Kitsune
Age7 (mentally adult though)
GenderMasculine Plush
Arrival MethodYellow Breach
Created12/18/20 10:23 PM
Last Edited5/24/21 7:06 PM
Approved12/19/20 6:24 PM
Plush Kitsune
  • Old Size: 2'8" 7 lbs Information
  • Apparent Age: Fresh
  • Character Build: Fat
  • Body Type: Bipedal
  • Usual Clothing: Wizardly Cape & Hat
  • Voice: Light and cheery
  • Usual Scent: Lavender Fabric Softener
  • Description:
    Benji is a stuffed kitsune. He has 9 tails, and soft features. His fur is a pleasant orange with a white belly and black socks, and he’s a bit of a plump overstuffed plush. He typically doesn’t wear any clothes except for a billowing silken cape and hat, both of which have a flowing night sky pattern on them, seeming to sparkle in unnatural ways.
    He has a decent weight to him despite how soft and cuddly he is.
    He typically can be seen carrying a staff with a crystal ball at the end, seeming to gaze into the night sky as his spell focus, with his spellbook and component pouch strapped around his belt. He carries a matching bag of holding over his shoulder.

    He has a tag on his right thigh. One side has an intricate arcane sigil embroidered on it, the other side has washing instructions.
    Benji has a pull-string on his back which is normally hidden by the cape.
Though he refers to his homeworld as Earth, it clearly lacks similarity to the mundane earth we're familiar with, instead being a fantastic realm. He's from a region called "The Dragon Coast", an area surrounding a large central sea and home to numerous nations and peoples, and monsters besides.
When not adventuring, earned considerable income by researching the arcane and crafting magical items.
Defender against nightmares, monsters, mean dragons, bandits, and more!
Benji was not born but created whole cloth. The method of his creation was considered to be difficult yet standard, similar to creating golems. The extra step was infusing him with the spiritual energy to catalyze the formation of a soul. Granted Sapience, his creator also passed on a decent chunk of his own body of knowledge in the process. The arcane university where Benji was created then enrolled him and taught him the makings of how to be a wizard. Once he had the basics, he was given the duty of helping protect the campus from mystical threats. His plush physiology made him an excellent dream protector for the university.
After 4 years, Benji asked to be able to go out and explore the world a bit more. His itch to help people was causing him to become discontented with just guarding a highly secure college. The university acquiesced, after he helped create and train a replacement for himself. Now free to go and experience the world for himself, Benji joined along a travelling partying of adventurers passing through the area. They took him under their wing, got him signed up in the adventuring guild, and his life of adventure began!

His deeds are many. He defeated the Boogeyman of Broken Bone Barrow, the Nightmare of Castle Noctis, and the meanie dragon Ylzro, The Tyrant. He specialized into dealing with dream and planar monsters after about a year, and the last couple years have consisted of enchanting things for adventurers on his down time and rushing out to fight dream threats whenever he gets word of them. He's devised the means to empower his abilities, such as making others into plushies able to better fight these threats
Spellbook (Edit)
An enchanted spellbook, which stores and empowers Benji's spells.
Flying Cape (Edit)
Allows Benji to move at double his running pace through the air, for up to 4 hours a day (time need not be consecutive)
Nine Tailed Scepter
  • A magical staff of surpassing quality. It improves Benji's spell accuracy and penetration, and is capable of absorbing magic as long as its reserves are not full. Overtopping the reserves can cause the staff to violently explode. It has 9 fox tails carved in a spiral going up the staff, tipped with a black orb which resembles the night sky.
  • Effective range from character: Light offensive spells - 150 feet
    Area of Effect Spells (Ice Storm, Chain Lightning, Fireball) 300 feet
  • Normal Power: See 5e Staff of the Magi for the item this is based off of
  • Adventuring Experience
    • Training:
      Benji has spent most of his years either studying the arcane arts or helping fellow adventurers deal with monsters, not just of the nightmarish variety.
  • Item Crafting
    • Description:
      Benji's a skilled tailor, and an able artisan in other areas as well. Combining this with his arcane skills, he can create enchanted arms, armor, objects, etc.
  • Arcanist
    • Description:
      Benji has extensively studied the arcane arts. In addition to a level of expertise dealing with arcane metaphysics, he has a keen eye for any magical objects, and is usually able to pick them out with ease.
  • Arcane Wizardry
  • Elvish
  • Sylvan
  • Common
Parnormal Abilities
Arcane Magic (Edit)
  • Description:
    Benji is a skilled adventure-class divination wizard (D&D 5e derived). He is quite capable of learning new magics, and casting extremely powerful magics on his own. His considerable experience has gotten him the ability to cast mighty spells, but there will be some metaphysical attunement required after coming to Infinitas.

    Portent: Benji can, twice per day, pluck the strings of fate to ensure someone succeeds or fails at something.

    Some notable high level spells:

    Touch Infinity (Compendium of Forgotten Secrets- Awakening)
    Time Stop
    True Polymorph
    Magnificent Mansion
    Plane Shift (limited functionality on Infinitas)
    True Sight
  • Limits:
    Can't cast spells without limit over the course of the day, his mightiest spells are generally only able to be cast once or twice per day.
  • Other:
    Arcane Recovery: Benji can regain some of his magic by taking an hour to refocus and rebuild his mana.
Fluffomancy (Edit)
  • Description:
    Benji has the ability to change people to help his cause! That takes 2 forms
    Make Plushie: Benji can take a willing or incapacitated creature and turn them into a plushie with a ritual lasting about an hour and requiring the subject be unconscious. He turns them to a small plush of his choice (usually he’ll ask what the subject’s preference is first). Any plushies created this way are animated, and have powerful instincts to chase off bad dreams and protect people, especially children. This is useful when he recruits unwilling but incapacitated creatures.
    All living plushies created this way gain the ability to see and fight against nightmares, but won’t have any skills they had before to do so. They also gain the ability to enter the dream realm once each night.
  • Limits:
    He can only turn 2 creatures per day, and requires a custom hand-made focus for each subject turned.
Nighttime Keeper (Edit)
  • Description:
    Benji exists to keep the nightmares of the world at bay. When within 30 feet of a sleeping creature, he can protect them from any bad dreams that may happen along. Any mundane bad dreams are automatically kept away.
    Furthermore, any sleeping creature under his protection is resilient against any physical or magical damage.
    Any creature which hugs him is immune to becoming frightened while hugging him.
    Benji is able to see and both passively and actively defend against magical creatures of the dream realm. Most minor bad dreams will be averse to tangling with him, and even mighty night terrors would be hard pressed to fight Benji directly, especially if he has plush companions.
    Benji, along with any plushies similar to him or suitably skilled mages, can enter the dream world directly to root out nests of bad dreams. These usually are curious labyrinths with a boogeyman or similarly powerful dream entity at the core, feeding off people’s fears.
Protector of Youth (Edit)
  • Description:
    Benji’s protective powers are far more effective on people who are not yet fully mature. This scales with age. Years are in human equivalent of development
    Under 18: 50% more powerful
    Under 12: 100% more powerful
    Under 6: 200% more powerful
    Under 3: 400% more powerful
    And so on. This makes newborns, who ordinarily are easy targets, extremely well protected.

    Benji, and any plushies he makes with his fluffomancy, cannot willingly cause bodily harm to living beings that are not adults.
    Benji has the ability to reverse people’s age. He can reduce them all the way down to infancy. This makes them count for his protective abilities, meaning he can defend much more effectively against nightmares attacking people he has regressed. This does extend a person’s lifespan, but doesn’t go away on its own. A person regressed will ordinarily have to grow back up on their own. It is possible, but difficult, to reverse this. Side effects are known to persist.
Phluffy Physiology (Edit)
  • Description:
    Benji and any plushes he creates are able to but do not need to eat or sleep. Any food consumed is turned to fluff eventually. Laundry detergent is the exception, they can eat that without any negative consequences. They do not naturally age, but wear and tear does accumulate if regular maintenance is not performed.
Extra Information
Based on a D&D 5e Adventurer

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May 24, 2021 7:06 PM
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Dec 19, 2020 6:24 PM
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