Welcome Guest Board Index > Character Database > Takilaria
1 Active Plot - Shattered Realms
SpeciesLeva Dragon
BirthdayMarch, 2
Created2/22/16 5:37 AM
Last Edited8/20/16 9:14 AM
Approved2/26/16 10:30 AM
Non-Player Character
  • Old Size: See full Description Information
  • Apparent Age: 25
  • Character Build: Lean
  • Body Type: Other
  • Usual Clothing: None
  • Voice: Soft and a bit pitchy
  • Usual Scent: Similar to a cat
  • Description:
    2'6" (76.2cm) Shoulder height
    1'6" (45.72cm) Body thickness
    24'8" (7.5m) Body Length
    *349 lbs (158.3 Kg)
    (*Not actually felt unless she is completely drained of energy and unable to do any sort of levitation, normally feels lighter, if not weightless)

    Eastern serpent dragon. No scales, soft snow white fur coat. Two manes of electric blue fur runs from along the middle of her forehead down both sides of her spine. A few more tufts of long electric blue fur accent her cheeks and eyebrows. There is a thick mane of white fur at the base of her head, and a large electric blue tuft of fur at the tip of her tail.

    Two electric blue whiskers protrude from the tip of her 83cm snout, each are about 2.8m. She has big skyblue eyes. Her mouth is, as one would expect, filled with powerful sharp teeth. She has two swept back ears and small horns half as long has her snout

    She has four short legs with three fingers and a thumb, long black claws on them. She however has a serpent like body, like an eastern dragon. Her electric blue mane runs along its length.

    Her head is 138 cm long, she has a 71cm long neck from her head to her first feet, a full two and a half meters until her back feet, then a 2.9 meter tail with a fluffy electric blue tuft at the end, like a lion's tail. Her main fur is thick and soft, velvety and about 5-7 cm long and a sparkling snow white. The electric blue fur is 3-4 times as long and fluffy like a long haired cat.
A magical parrel to earth with dragons, gryphons, and other such magical creatures present
Cleaning services
Takilaria was born to two bonded parents. That is two say both Nesicari and Jerisolu linked their magic energy and minds with humans. Takilaria herself does not have the potential to bond. Takilaria and her sister and elder brother were raised by the human mages Jane and John.

Jane was a writer, a reporter for the local newspaper. She is bonded to Takilaria's mother, Nesicari. John is a construction worker, bonded to Takilaria's father Jerisolu. While both are mages due to their bonds, both prefer doing things the mundane way. When the dragonlings were born they were both delighted and helped raise them.

Takilaria and her sibling grew up slowly, causing trouble like most children, and being scolded for it. However they also enjoyed their time with people. Unlike her parent she didn't grow up in the harsh outdoors, but in the comfort of human homes.

Her parents however thought it important that their children still learned the ways of the dragon. So frequently the family went outside the dwellings to the forests beyond. There Takilaria was shown how to track, hunt, avoid dangers. She hunted bugs and rodents at first but as time went on grew to larger prey.

When Takilaria was 10 John and Jane had their first child, a young girl Emily. Takilaria took to trying to help the humans raise Emily, with mixed results. Takilaria especially enjoyed cuddling up with the child. This doubled when John and Jane had a second child as Takilaria was 13, a boy named Eric. This time knowing what to expect, all involved in the household were much more prepared. Takilaria was very close to the human children. Eric maybe a bit more so.

Shortly before Eric was born disaster struck Takilaria's life. Her younger sister Kiliaria was killed when the three siblings were out playing in the woods. A large griffin attacked them, and preyed on Kiliaria. Takilaria could only look on helplessly as her sister was devoured. Their parents arrived then and helped drive the griffin off before Takilaria or her brother fell to a similar fate. It was this that made her as close to Eric as she was when Eric was born later.

When Takilaria was 15 her parents had their second litter, 4 young Leva dragons, Takilaria's new siblings. Takilaria grew as close to them as she was was Emily and Eric. She also tried to help raise them, though also quickly found out what she learned with Emily and Eric didn't necessarily apply to dragonlings.

Like any dragon on her world Takilaria possessed natural latent magical energy. When she was three this built up to the point she could start repelling gravity and levitate. Like walking this had to be learned but with her parent's guidance she got the hang of it. And now it is as natural to her as walking is to a human.

Her energy built to the point that she could start using it externally when she was seven. It was at this point it was learned she is a disconnect, a dragon whose color does not match her element. Instead of light as her white coat would suggest, she turned out to be an air element. It was at this time her parents began to show her how she control and move air around. In typical Leva style Takilaria uses the movement of her head and body to twist and control her magical energy.

Learning wind manipulation was not the easiest thing. While floating she had a tendency to blow herself around with her air currents until she could focus them in a direction properly. At first it was a fun plaything, being able to knock stuff over. Even as her windspeed progressed faster and faster, it still remained though of limited use. A good stun on prey to then jump and constrict, but over time she learned she needed to combine her wind with other things to make it into a truly effective tool. So with guidance from her parents and their mage partners, she learned alternate methods for the wind, as a propellanet for projectile debris. She has practiced hard over the years to increase her power.

When Takilaria was 19 she set off on her own, coming of age and time for her to find her place in the world. She set off with her elder brother though eventually they separated Takilaria was able to find a region to call home, though she missed the comforts of civilization greatly. It was a rough start for her, she ended up starving much of the time until she got her act together, her air control helping greatly. Eventually when she was 25 she was driven from her home by another female who wanted this territory for herself.

Shortly after this Takilaria was snagged by breach and brought to the world of Nomania, a world just outside the multiverse itself. It was a gathering place for people the breaches threw outside the multiverse. Here she settled in a town and worked as a cleaner, having had experience with it from her time house cleaning for Jane and John.
Natural Weapons
  • 4cm Curved Claws
    9cm Fangs
  • Combat Experience
    • Training:
      Wrestling with parents and prey
  • Hunting
    • Description:
      Taught by her parents. Rodent or small bird hunter, utilizing her levitation normally for a silent approach.
  • Bilingual
    • Description:
      Speaks English and Cheltic (Local dragon tongue). Was raised using both.
  • Housekeeping
    • Description:
      Fairly experienced with keeping places clean and tidy. Given a lot of cleaning chores by her parents' partners.
  • Particulate Knowledge
    • Description:
      An understanding the study of how debris (dust, sticks, wood, rocks, etc) behave in winds.
  • Energy Flow Understanding
    • Description:
      An understanding of how arcane energy flows in the natural order. She works with this flow to power her own magic, working with the flow of energy to create her magic.
  • Constriction
    • Description:
      Using her muscular serpentine body she can wrap around and squeeze things, in the event of smaller critters (prey) literally suffocating them to death.
  • Reading and writing taught by her parents' partners.
  • Taught hunting & dragon magic through her parents.
  • English
Parnormal Abilities
Levitation (Edit)
  • Description:
    The magical energy flow through a Leva dragon, regardless of element, generates an gravity altering field which they can manipulate to float around. This field is dependant on the local gravity to function.
    This is a latent racial ability used instinctively.
  • Limits:
    40 KpH (25 MPH) top speed. (Takes roughly 30 seconds to reach from a full stop)
    750m (~2500 feet) is around her maximum altitude.
    She can carry up to 520 lbs. This includes her weight (349 lbs), giving a carrying capacity of 171 lbs
    If her arcane energy is low or inaccessible, this ability is reduced or nullified.
    She cannot sleep float.
    Casual floating can be maintained for four hours from a fresh start.
    Increasing speed will tax her, physically tiring her. At full speed she'll be winded in a minute, having to stop and rest.
    Carrying weight above 15lbs will reduce her speed, height, and duration.
    At full carrying weight, her maximum height is reduced to ten feet. Her max speed is reduced to 5 mph. This can only be maintained for ten minutes.
  • Other:
    Exercising the ability will increase speed to a point, much like a track athlete trains to get faster.
    Weight is roughly 1.5x her body weight, so will increase as she gets larger.
Air Manipulation (Edit)
  • Description:
    Channels a stream of wind from her mouth.
  • Limits:
    Cannot use if mouth is held shut.
    Cannot speak while using air manipulation. (As that closes mouth)
    Has to hold her breath while using the ability.
    All air manipulation starts from her mouth.
    Wind speed cannot exceed 50 mph (80 kph)
    Maximum duration is as long as she can hold her breath (Upwards of two minutes)
    There is a 10 second charge up time, though once charged the charged can be held until released, or she closes her mouth.
    Once the wind is created it behaves like normal wind beyond her control.
    Full speed can be maintained for ten seconds.
    For full power (50mph - lower speeds extend these times)
    Any duration will make her pant and be out of breath once it stops.
    A long burst (5 seconds) will weaken her physically
    An extended burst (10 seconds) will put her on the verge of passing out.
    Attempting to push past her boundary will exhaust her to the point she passes out

    In addition: using this ability will weaken her levitation ability proportionally. (50% of her wind ability at full power will remove 50% of her levitation ability).
  • Other:
    Age and practice can increase duration and intensity.
Extra Information
Species Information
Leva, like all dragons from her world, have a innate magical energy they can start to access as they grow. This magical energy is tied to an element they can manipulate. The element is normally denoted by their primary color though exceptions to this, called disconnects, occur 5% of the time.

As part of an ancient spell some dragons and humans are able to form a magical bond between each other. Two bond partners are born at the same time in a relatively nearby location. When a bondable dragon is old enough they will feel the urge to seek out and find their potential bond partner. When human and dragon make contact the bond is complete, and they can share their energy with each other and speak to each other telepathically.

Unlike most other dragons, Leva never stop growing, though they slow down over time.

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Feb 26, 2016 10:30 AM
Re: CS: Takilaria
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