Welcome Guest Board Index > Character Database > Jessica Eisenhower
NicknameFenrir Prototype ID-000
SpeciesGenetically Engineered Anthro (Timber Wolf)
PlayerShelby Shark
Created 5:52 AM
Last Edited 4:31 PM
Approved 8:47 AM
  • Old Size: 183cm (6'0"), 80kg (176lbs) Information
  • Apparent Age: 18-20
  • Character Build: Curvy
  • Body Type: Bipedal
  • Usual Clothing: Farm girl (typically long jeans, flannel shirt, roper boots, and maybe a stetson hat)
  • Voice: Orotund; has a Texan dialect
  • Usual Scent: Usually smells of perfume, but tends to smells earthy after a day's work
  • Similarly to her counterpart (Jackson Cousteau), Jessica features the standard body of an anthropomorphic Timber Wolf; she sports white, light and dark brown fur; a long, straight and fluffy tail; yellow eyes; and a canine head w/ perky ears and canine muzzle.

    As for human body features, Jessica actually has plantigrade legs unlike Jackson. Her hair is smooth (but wavy) and light brown in colour, fading to blonde as the hair reaches down to her shoulders.

    Jessica's body is akin to a bosomy pear; her hips are wider than her shoudlers, giving Jessica a curvaceous figure as well as a sizable chest.
Jessica comes from the same world as Jackson's. The world is almost identical to the real-world Earth but with some difference to world history. I recommend reading Jackson Cousteau's bio for more information, and it's even more important for Jessica's backstory.
Cattle Farmer
It's rather simple: a farmer who raises cows for milk and meat.
After the creation of Jackson from Project Hellion, the program seeked to produce another supersoldier. As this was happening, the UK was trying to negotiate an arms deal with the US so British forces can be better-supplied for the Falklands war. The US were not being keen about an arms deal with the UK since it would mean betraying a previous ally — Argentina. So, in order to entice the Americans to the deal, the British offered to give away technology and information from Project Hellion. The US happily agreed to the deal — much to the dismay of the Argentinians — and the technology was sent over. As soon as the technology fell into American hands, the US Military created a new project — Project Fenrir — and within two years, Jessica was born. Jessica lived more or less the same life as Jackson in the UK — being provided with living essentials as well as being experimented on — but they didn't know about each other's existence. Alas, the famous gigantic information leak happened, and Jessica was released from containment at the age of 13 before being adopted. She was adopted by a family that lived on a cattle farm where she learnt the ways of farming. It was during this time that Jessica picked up her sharpshooting skills; after receiving fire arm training, she decided to enter the competitive scene. Other than that, she's been living the farmer lifestyle undisturbed and doing fine... until that fateful day.
Belt, revolver holster and speedloader(s) (Edit)
Jessica wears this specific setup whenever she'll want to carry her gun: she'll wear a standard leather beat around the waist; on the right of the belt, the holster for her Colt Python is attached while on the left side, there are quad pouches for revolver speedloaders.
Kiger Mustang, 'Mustard' (Edit)
Jessica has her own horse, a male Kiger Mustang named 'Mustard'. Naturally for a Kiger Mustang, Mustard is an intelligent, gentle and calm horse, but he is also known to be cheeky just to get what he wants. Jessica has owned Mustard since he was four years old, now he's ten.
Lasso Rope (Edit)
As a cattle farmer, it's important for Jessica to be able to catch cows on horseback. That's what the lasso is for.

Jessica's lasso is a thick, 30m long nylon rope with a large loop at the end, tied to itself using a 'honda knot'. This is designed so that when the target is inside the loop, the rope can be pulled and the knot will slide down, tightening the loop.
Colt Python 6" Blued (Edit)
  • This particular Colt Python features a 6' barrel and is in the 'royal blue' colour. It has a 6-shot capacity, fires the .357 Magnum cartridge and is double-action.

    The Colt Python is very highly regarded as an all-time great revolver. It is often attributed for it's ergonomic, reliable, and well-balanced design. The Python's shooting characteristics is also highly acclaimed for it's accuracy, smooth-shooting, and great trigger pull.
  • Effective range from character: 180m (200yd)
  • Normal Power: Fires .357 Magnum with a muzzle velocity of 1,450 ft/s with 584 ft·lbf of muzzle energy.
  • Quantity: 1
  • Sharpshooting: Sharpshooting
  • Firearms Training: Firearms Training
  • Animal Affinity: Animal Affinity
  • Lasso Throwing: Lasso Throwing
  • English (Texan dialect)
Parnormal Abilities
Enhanced Athleticism (Edit)
  • Unlike Jackson, excerise does not have any effect on muscle loss/growth, infact, her muscle mass is will always remain the same. As for her physical abilities, Jessica's strength is peak-human, but her speed is increased by +25% of the peak-human limit.
  • Limits: Jessica's muscle mass and physical abilities are set in stone, they cannot change.
  • Other: The reason Jessica does not appear muscular is because of the specific way her muscular system is designed. The muscles do not have any 'enhanced muscle growth,' but they contain a classified enhancement which (compared to muscles of the same mass) grant doubled strength.
Enhanced Skeletal System (Edit)
  • Jessica's skeletal system is made of the same materials as Jackson's; visually, it has a white pearlescent appearance. This material gives Jessica's bones a 6x stronger yield strength compared to normal human bone.
Enhanced Reaction Time (Edit)
  • Whereas the normal human's maximum reaction time is 0.15 milliseconds, Jessica's is 0.05 milliseconds.
Pain Numbness (Edit)
  • Jessica has a drastically reduced sensibility to pain. E.g. a pinch might not not be noticable, but a bullet wound would feel like a pinch.
  • Repercussions: The weakness this ability causes is that injuries can pass under the radar very easily (much worse than Jackson). Even if an injury was major, there is a chance that Jessica could forget about it and move on.
  • Other: Although this would be good in combat, that isn't apart of Jessica's job.
Enchanced Psychological Trauma Recovery (Edit)
  • Jessica's response to psychological trauma is normal, but she is physically capable of recovering quickly.
Extra Information
Character parallels???
If you're noticing a lot of comparisons between Jessica and Jackson, that's because you're not mistaken. This isn't becuase they're both my characters, but rather that they're from the same universe and even affiliated with each other (not genetically related).

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Dec 19, 2021 8:47 AM
Re: Jessica Eisenhower
Approved, with the standard boilerplate warning
Dec 13, 2021 5:56 PM
Re: Jessica Eisenhower
Looks good to me! You may want to specify what equivalent public education level she's reached. Also, I looked up the numbers for the Colt Python; its muzzle velocity is 1,450 ft/s with 584 ft·lbf of muzzle energy.
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