Welcome Guest Board Index > Character Database > Zed
Created 1:26 AM
Last Edited 1:18 PM
Approved 1:26 AM
Gilor Base
  • Old Size: 6’11”, 225 lbs Information
  • Apparent Age: Young adult
  • Character Build: Muscular
  • Body Type: Bipedal
  • Usual Clothing: Alters between tight form fitting clothes and mid-length flowing robes, depending on the occasion
  • Voice: Smooth, middling tone.
  • Usual Scent: Dust, scales. Doesn’t exude musk or sweat like mammals do.
  • Zed is a Gilor, a lizard like race of humanoids. He is very athletic and muscular. His scales are a deep, lush green color, with red and orange highlights in a couple places. His head has a short, but broad snout, like an iguana with a considerably enlarged brain cavity, a negligible dewlap, and binocular vision. His back has a row of semi-flexible spines, colored with a tint of yellow. His tail is roughly proportional to his body scale as to a komodo dragon, but is textured more like a crocodile’s. His eyes are cosmic blue in color.
This is the same universe as the Mirachoco’s universe (See Cam’s sheet), but some 40000 years prior to the rise of the Mirachoco and Auraphim.
The major powers are the Galactic Federation, and the Gilor Ageris Alliance. When the Gilor first rose to spacefaring, they joined the Galactic Federation, but found it entirely too stagnant and bloated. The Federation demanded that the Gilor halt their scientific advancement so as not to upset the status quo. The Gilor left the Federation after this, and have been on tense terms with them ever since. There have been 7 Wars of Sovereignty where the Gilor have had to defend their independence.
Auril Yoa initiate
Trainee and initiate of the Auril Yoa for his entire life
When Zed was just an egg, The Gilor’s 7th War of Sovereignty was nearing completion. The Gilor were once again repulsing the Federation’s attempts to annex them. Like all of the Auril Yoa, Zeds egg had been injected with nanites to begin preparing his body to get the implants that would develop throughout his life. Upon hatching in good health, he immediate began to be raised by the Auril Yoa.

His early years consisted of mostly stimulation, making sure he was developing into a healthy young Gilor, and getting lots of work to help integrate his implants with his body, making them be intrinsically linked to his nervous system. As soon as he was able to walk, he began to undergo intense exercises to sharpen his mind, body, and abilities. This was mostly achieved by practice of physical arts of combat and dance. Exercising and stimulating his body and mind improved his athletic abilities, and the stimulation of his implants made them constantly closer bound to him, allowing him to produce more and improve his capacity.

At age 5, He began a much more formal and organized training regime. This training regime focused on much more than just training his body. He was taught knowledge on a great deal of subjects, from art and history, to mathematics and the sciences. Besides great warriors, the Auril Yoa are poets, artists, and scholars. All members of the order are well read, and great works of art regularly are produced by their ranks.

After 10 years of training, Zed was granted the rank of Initiate, and became an active member of the Auril Yoa. He has taken part in 3 minor conflicts on the fringe space of the galaxy. He has not been the perfect warrior though. The last year or so, there’s been relative peace, so Zed has mostly been working on his techniques sometimes, sculpting or painting at others
His body (Edit)
Complete with nanites and a plethora of microscopic implants everywhere. These grant him the abilities listed in the paranormal abilities section. The implants are maintained by the nanites, which also fight off foreign nanites and disease, and are highly effective at it. They effectively keep him from dying of natural causes. He is also capable of communicating with computer systems, and has long range communication abilities including radio.
Hyper-bubble storage (Edit)
He is able to create 4-dimensional bubble of space and keep them around himself, accessing them at will. It’s basically a bag of holding without the bag. He can maintain about 100 cubic meters of space, but can do up to 300 cubic meters for several hours in a pinch. He can fold himself into one for up to several days, but he remains rooted to the same location and cannot move while enfolded yet. This can’t be used to split an object either by trying to fold only part of it into one
Stone Sculptor tools (Edit)
In spite of his abilities, he uses these to sculpt marble and stone into fine works of art.
  • Auril Yoa
    • Training:
      Trained since hatching, taken part in the resolution of 3 minor conflicts in fringe space.
  • Skill abilites
    • Training:
      Uses his abilities offensively, and is trained with a couple martial weapons, like a short-blade and armor fighting style, as well as with a long staff. He is also a reasonably good marksman with Gilor weapons, but this may not transmit to more primitive weapons as much. He also practices unarmed combat, mostly as an art form.
      • Unarmed combat, multiple styles
      • Martial weapons, especially short blade and armor combo or longstaff
      • Gilor X8-93 series directed energy weapons
      • use of all of the above in concert with his abilities.
  • Sculpture
    • Description:
      Zed knows how to work materials for sculpting.
  • The 5 dialects of the Gilor
  • English
Parnormal Abilities
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic (Edit)
  • Description:
    The Gilor are an extremely advanced race, technologically, and the Auril Yoa are on the forefront of the bleeding edge.
    Primary abilities: Innate force field control: Use of billions of tiny implants attached to his nervous system gives the Auril Yoa initiate an innate ability to create and control force fields. These are powered by additional micro implants laced throughout the body, using advanced technology to provide energy to all the other systems they use.
    The force field control can be used on himself as well as the environment. By exerting force fields on himself and the surroundings, he can fly, attach himself to most any surface with considerable force, and augment his own strength and speed, etc. At present, he can reach up to 50 meters with the force field, and exert a maximum of 175000 newtons total, over an area filling up to a sphere of that radius (distributed evenly). His reaction time is good enough to stop arrows and thrown objects, but not bullets.

    Matter rearrangement: He can reshape matter using similar implants to his force fields. He can’t change atomic number or chemical properties, so only has what is available to work with. His precision isn’t good enough for precision applications like electronics manufacturing. He is fairly new at this power, so using it on dynamic objects (especially living beings) is extremely limited. Furthermore, if he is going to use this to repair machines or something, he has to first learn how they work. His maximum precision is limited to about 1 100th of a millimeter, on par with high end Industrial SLS machines available today. How long it takes to form something depends on the complexity of it. Something with a lot of little gears and bits would take some time, but a simple pole he can do on the spot. Similar to Full-metal-alchemist style transmutation.

    Local time dialation: He can create a small area where time is accelerated or decelerated, allowing him and anyone inside to move faster or slower compared to people outside the space. His degree of acceleration and duration will expand with practice. He Currently can do a maximum factor of 16 right now

    Blink: He can teleport short distances instantaneously. His distance and recharge time will improve with experience. He presently can do about 3000 meters every 2 minutes. He also can send items across a distance, that distance corresponds to their minimum cross sectional surface area. A smaller cross section means a tunnel can be longer and narrower.

    Hard-light Constructs: An ability he unlocked here on infinitas, the ability to make solid planes with force fields, by setting up a self resonating wave. These planes will break if enough force is applied, but he can just make a lot of polygons to make complex objects.

    Sprites: Zed has managed to use the same techniques as his hardlight constructs to create computers out of similar non-linear perturbations in space-time. These can act as little agents of his, able to move around on their own, and even project small force fields (and thus make sound) and light, which is caught and stored as energy, allowing them to talk and interact with computers and other systems. They can be destroyed with force fields of sufficient gradient, magical or technological.

    Though not so much of a power, he can project holograms and sound.

    He also has the ability to manipulate 4-dimensional objects and “hyperbubbles” of space-time, which is how he stores most of his materials. His blink ability works by creating a hyperbridge between himself and somewhere nearby, and crossing it near instantaneously.
  • Limits:
    All of these abilities consume power. He has implants which provide him power, but can only provide so much. Using too much power will cause the implants to taper off to recharge. Over time, his nanites can build him more power implants, but his body needs to adapt to them as they’re made, meaning he couldn’t for example double his power capability in a week without destroying his body. So he can only very slowly increase his power capability. The power source itself is a controlled consumption of dark energy, which is so prevalent that even at maximum consumption the local levels of it only drop an immeasurable amount.

    Furthermore, as these attacks are not magic, they are not subject to countermeasures that only target magic. An anti-magic aura or shield against magic attacks will not block them. However, a magic defense against the effects specifically (being rearranged, thrown around and impacts, etc.) would still work. Conversely, he cannot directly block magic attacks, and similar to mages, would have to defend against the specific effects, which against things like magic missiles or transformation spells, is difficult or impossible with his powers. He has no natural resistance to magic either, so he's most vulnerable in this field.

    Most of his force, time, and teleportation powers work by using a singular effect which allows him to arbitrarily curve space-time, to a degree.
Immortality (Edit)
  • Description:
    In the event of his body being killed, Zed’s consciousness will be uploaded to a lattice of energy, allowing him to continue existing as an incorporeal energy being (A ghost, if you will). If his body can be repaired before too much decay has set in, he can get back in it and will by all measures be alive again. However, as an interesting point, another AI could potentially take his body before he gets back in it.

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