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Plot Overview
On March 1st 2024, Shelby the sharkbun accomponied by Snow the eastern dragon went deep water diving in the great lake next to Marsilion.

During their dive they discovered the remains of what appears to be pieces of high tech space ships littering the bottom of the lake that appear to have been breached in over a year ago. Age is currently undertermined.

Amongst the vessles, human/humaniod style ship pieces were found along with a nearly fully intact alien vessel that appears to be a rainbow coloured crystaline ship armed with multiple weapons of unknown origin. By eye witness statement, the insides of the ship were reported to be some kind of fusion between humaniod and alien technology.

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Public as been advised to keep their distance from the vessle as a functioning but damaged reactor was inside.

Currently, one body had been recovered from the vessle, a species refered to as a starwisp.

Check back for updates as they develop.


Update: March 3rd (Play occured March 6th)

Ship was revisited by Snow, Shelby, Luma, Umbra, and Gale to investigate.

They soon discovered that the ship is indeed starwisp in design, or at least the ship was heavily modified for starwisps to man it.

The ship recognized Luma as 'Light', and Umbra as 'Shad', their former names from a time long ago, giving them the rank of 'Commander' each after probing them to identify them.

Ship floor plan layouts were discovered and more of the ship was discovered, along with another starwisp body in the piloting room.

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Vatish's logs:

Vatish's log:

"Hey, fourth times the charm? I had to wipe out the mainframe again when I installed that pirate ship's piloting system. Seems we didn't clear the memory modules good enough and almost got locked out of the ship!

It's tough trying to scrape together something we can work with. Gaia seems convinced we can pull this off but I dunno. Aunt Solaria seems pretty determined though and I have a sneaking suspension she's done nutter things than play captain on stolen ship parts.

The collective have been turning this oversized rock more into a ship by the day.

Gaia has been doing things I've never seen before just because Solaria asks. How much does the collective trust my aunt? Or what do they feel like they owe her?

It's hard to think back to when we weren't fully awakened like most of the collective. Now random starwisps have been awaking themselves voluntarily.

A newly awakened wisp named Vita came onboard yesterday. She's been adjusting faster than we did, but they have the benefit of still having a link to the collective.

I noticed Gaia gifted Vita with some memories of Tiss' mother. It makes her feel weirdly familiar like a cousin or something.

I learned to awalen on my own, but it seems that luxury of time isn't available for the new recuits.

I'm going to have to show them the ropes. I don't know if auntie is ready to play express 'mom'. We were a handful when I was just Tiss and Vash."

It takes a bit jumping around from log to log. Vatish seems rather scatterbrained given their nature of being 'unresolved'.

Snippits stand out here and there.

"...I feel like we're on a wild goose chase. How does auntie do this over and over?

I watched Dav grow old and die two realities ago, and although we stuck around for a while, we just made our goodbyes to friends and just, headed off?

Solaria seems to have some kind of intangible sense where Dav reincatnates. She leads, the collective follows.

I guess the collective don't really care that much about laying down any kind of roots. They seem to be more interested in the experience? They just follow her into any whacky adventure.

But I'll admit it, if auntie is doing something crazy I want to be up front and center too."

"I'm still mad that the pure wisps managed to trick us. I thought they were nearly mindless, but when they've got a motivation I guess they can be creative.

They deliberately attacked us while we were in the middle of scouting this sci-fi space rare reality to funnel us in.

I wonder if they made the rift in the first place to this place to see if Solaria would sniff it out in search of Dav.

Either way, we thought it was safe to enter this reality as it was on the same universal wheel Dav's reincarnation went. But this universe is weird.

I keep seeing in my mind fractured alternative timelines spiraling off everywhere all the time to the point it gives me a headache, yet this universe is incredibly rigid.

Every technique we know of to create a rift to leave this reality just doesn't work.

The rules of this universe are very specific. There's some kinda inobtanium element needed to cut through the universeal tapestry."


"This universe sucks. Where's all the animals, kids, and other fun things? The most interesting encounter got were some androids that glitched out when they saw us. They kept shouting 'error' on the comms as we left. Every encounter we have with humans it's just another ship full of one faction of humans or another and we flee using the hyper drive that Vita, myself, and a new recruit Talia have been reverse-engineering.

It's strange, the human technology is so advanced... yet stupid. Who designs things like this? They achieve FTL but can't even figure out the applications besides throwing ships around space with them.

Our ship is probably some kind of urban legend by now. Every time we get spotted to warp away instantly and our warp signature doesn't leave a trail their sensors can pick up. We're like a shiny rainbow ghost"

"Got word from the collective that using their sheer brain power and determination, they detected traces of our unobtanium we've been after. There's actually a way to leave this stupid reality. We're heading there soon."

"Got called to sensors room while I was in the middle of making custom drone plans. We found the site of our unobtanium. It's alien ruins on a planet near a star that is throwing off constant solar flares. This would BBQ humans in no time so no surprise humans didn't ransack the place. It's weird, the ruins are covered in crystal structures like our own crystal. It's weirdly similar, but not quite the same.

Guess we might have some mineraloid friends after all?"

"We visited the ruins, most of the civilization is gone from the nearby sun ripping into the earth and showering plasma everywhere. Feels like a hot day on the beach for us though. Talia however gave us modifications to reinforce our fields to make sure we don't rupture from too much energy.

While down there we found some artifacts including some kind of ring device. We're not sure, but we think the alien race checked out of this reality as the device seems to do exactly the thing we're after and cause a temporary instability in the fabric of reality to open a rift.

We can't figure out how it works, if it even does still work. We've collected it and will be delivering it to Gaia. I'm a smarty pants but even I've got my limits. My head hurts when I look at the device. The alternate realities I see nearby the device seems to have a firm state across all of them as if it's forcing alternate realities to converge. The the first time in my life, I can't look around me and see multiple versions of people around me falling in and out of view. This thing is like some kind of choker binding together timelines tightly in a weave."

"Well, the Aurora has been upgraded, again. We can FTL jump larger distances now. The universe is our playground, more or less. Shame so much of it is empty. I miss Etla Isle and all the friendly critters there. I considered trying to see if I can modify Tiss and Vash's feline bodies to be serviced by me. I wonder if Solaria will put on her feline illusion for me if I coax her into it. She's seemed rather distant without Dav around."

"Got bored and hacked the drone system we took off of a space station some pirates raided. It's is bad we stole from something already stolen? It feels like the wild west out here, everything is lawless unless you have the biggest guns.

Humans in this universe are so uncreative. How did these people get FTL technology? Their drone schematics are so BORING. I tore into the code and put in my own sugar and spice. I wonder if Solaria is going to laugh, or get mad when she finds out the mining drones sing to themselfs the 'dig dig dig' song as a method to modulate the harmonic laser drills. He he.. asteroids exploding to the tune of 'Hi ho, hi ho'"

"Gaia and the collective reported in, they've modified the alien device and got it to power on and it successfully is able to form random temporary rifts in space. We have a way out of here! Now we just need to make this less of a lottery so that the rift takes us in the right direction through the multi-verse"

"Humans attacked the collective!! I can't believe it. While we were gone collecting resources, some Unity ships warped in on the collective. Without our ship they were defenseless. They were able to cloak, but not before the ships spotted what remains of the citadel. They scanned it and teleported away everything not nailed down into their ships including the rift device!

Gaia was prepared for a fight, but Unity just warped away. We got a trace of their warp signature. We're going to follow it."


"We located the rift device. Unity took it to a science station D31. That place is armed to the teeth with Unity ships from the USC. As soon as we arrived, we ran a scan and left again. No way could we avoid scanners for more than two seconds. We need to come up with a plan"

"Donis joined our crew today. Gaia seems to have decided that us sliping in and out to look graveyards is no longer a viable option, so we're arming ourselves with more than just ion weapons. We're prepared to kill if we have to.

Solaria and I both have mixed feelings about this. This universe is very much a kill or be killed place, but it leaves a bad feeling in my soul. I've never seen a starwisp like Donis before. He's a darkwisp like Shad, with the same soft spokenness. He's calm and gentle, but he's also scary.

Yesterday we had boarders break into the ship as a trap was set where pirates had a crippled Unity ship sending out a distress call. We turned up hoping to loot an empty ship, and the pirates warped on board our ship before the shields could go up.

Boy were they surprised when they found themselves in a shiny crystal ship with a toasty atmosphere of 200 degrees. Their spacesuits fended off the heat, but not Donis. He was on them in a second and slashed at their bodies with incredible precision with those weird crystal weapons of his.
The first pirate barely let out a scream before he was gone. The others met their own fate. I was in the medical room and only heard two blaster shots before it was over. Donis seemed almost emotionless. Put the pirates on a cart and jettisoned them out the airlock.

He seems kind to the crew, but he's like some precision killing machine when he has to and it's scary."

Vatish's notes on ion:
"What gives with these 'ion' weapons? I stripped down my 10th one and it still makes no sense. These 'ion' weapons are just... electro-static bubbles with some free radicals stripping electrons. Why do these knock out technology the way they do in this universe?

Solaria explained to me before how different universes operate on different properties of science, but this is just whack. Every starwisp out there is the ultimate ion weapon. A casual tickle from our tendrils are considered powerful ion strikes in this reality.

I made a 'tickle beam' as a joke and shot it at a disabled pirate ship to make a statement to Solaria, only to find we caused the ship's shields system to crash for a solid 5 seconds before it could reboot, and it worked over and over again. Donis congratulated me and I'm still scratching my head.

Okay, well, I'm gonna make all of our weapons as 'tickly' as I can get em' then. This reality is weird."

"We've been scouting the D31 base for weeks. They've been tinkering with the rift device. We detected a rift signature and ran a sensors sweep. The rift they opened was a mile long! Narrow as heck, but a freaking mile long. We didn't design it to do that, it's supposed to open stable, circular rifts in space to move through, not narrow gashes through the fabric of reality.

What are those people doing to our device?! Solaria suggested we get in closer before they kill themselfs and potentially destroy the universe itself. An all out assult won't work. So it's time for some espionage.

Recently we recovered a Unity science vessel some pirates attacked. It's intact. I'm going to go onboard and pretend to be one of the cadets that survived the assault. Guess my name is ensign Arianne Cobbs soon. Better work on what I can before I move over there."


The next log was Vatish's ramblings before she boarded the science vessel and waited to be 'rescued' by Unity ships to be delivered to D31.

"My first real impostor mission. I was so envious of when Solaria would sneak into places as a cat, or stuffed toy, or machine, or whatever and just 'fit in' like she belonged there. Now that I have to pretend to be a human, I'm freaking out. How does auntie do this so casually?

This space suit is awkward to move around and although I got the face illusion spot on, it's hard to get the mannerisms right. I keep falling back on my feline persona which doesn't quite work. Maybe the urgency will snap me into focus.....

...I wonder how the new Dav is doing. It's been a few years now since his last departure. It felt short, even though his last lifetime lasted longer than the last one.

The first time I personally met Dav was in Etla Isle, and he was a cute little thing. After he passed away, apparently he was a human, but I didn't get to see him for any of it. Then he was a minidrake again, almost /exactly/ like he was in Etla Isle.

It was so weird how he was basically just handed right to us. When Dav died I expected to go on an adventure with auntie, only to find out that when the first scouts went looking for Dav, some multi-tailed fox just walked right up to the first rift we attempted to scout and held him out to them. The fox seemed unphased, if not utterly indifferent to the scouts showing up.

By the time I arrived on the scene, the scouts were bringing Dav to Solaria like they retrieved a lost pet. They gave every detail of their encounter, but it was done and over with in just 15 seconds. What was that weird reality even?

Dav lived his little minidrake life with us and we set ourselves up a happy little home together on a safe quiet reality where wisps and minidrakes wouldn't be too unusual or interesting and I as Vash and Tiss grew up with Dav just like old times of Etla Isle.

I sort of had it in my head that this is what Solaria and Dav do. This back and forth thing of reincarnation. But when he died of old age this time... well.. there was no magical fox simply handing us him. He ended up somewhere really hard to get to, and the pure wisps did not want to make it so easy for us to get to him.

It might have been a mistake staying in a world that was so easily accessible. I can't believe the pure wisps had the patience to wait for Dav to die before striking. They kept us on our back foot constantly and baited us to this damn reality knowing we'd come here if it looked like a viable way to get towards Dav.

How long did they plan this? Why do they hate us so much?"

Vatish's final log:
On the D31 station Vatish left behind a Starwisp Data Shard, and a digital data disk with a recording on it, along with some of her blueprints and music.

Most of the data is a hastily recorded video of alarms sounding as Vatish dropping human guise flees towards the back of the station holding onto their human-issue helmet to talk to the camera embedded inside.

Vatish: "I just glimpsed other 'me's making a break for it and the last thing I keep seeing is a bright flash and then feel infinite realities just out of reach before that instance of myself vanishes." there's the sound of a button smacked and heavy shutter doors opening. "I don't know what's happening but I'm running out of 'me's and that is terrifying. Auntie... Gaia, if you get this, you know I love you. I hope you got my broadcast in time and get the heck out of here. I'll see you again, somehow" the shutter doors being to close with Vatish now on the other side and the sound of duct tape being applied as the view of the helmet sways around wildly, followed by a click of the disk being removed as the picture abruptly cuts out.

Recorded message from former Captian Solaria of the Starship Aurora:

The display screen displays an unburnt, but still shot up version of the same room. Solaria perched on the chair the top of her shell blown off with her resting in just the bottom half of her shell in her seat. The rolling plasma within her wobbles around seeming to be unstable as arcs keep reaching out and blow away like solar wind.

Based on her position something shot right through upper half of her shell, through her body, and out through the back of the chair making a shallow upwards cut into the door behind her.

Solaria speaks with a mature adult sounding feminine voice, though a bit more gruff and aged than the Solaria that arrived at Infinitas.

Solaria: "So... seems I ain't got much longer left to live. The bastards shot the reality ripping super weapon at full power. The universe is probably done for. Now I find myself crashed in some alternate reality sunk down to the bottom of the damn sea or wherever this is. Sensors are barely working worth a damn.

Whoever gets this. If you're some starwisp from the collective, welcome aboard for what's left of our ship. Rescue the ghosts of whomever you can if it's not too late. We might not be your reality starwisps, but when did that ever matter before. I doubt ours is come'in to save us, they might be all dead for all I know.

Vatish, my Vatish, if you're there hun and able to hear me. I love ya. You're resourceful and cleaver. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you escaped somehow from the space station, but how the heck you'd find me I'll never know but if anyone can pull a crazy plan out of their ass it's you. Ya don't need auntie any more to hold your hand. You're more capable than you think. Remember that kiddo.

If somehow you're the other Vatish from this world or whatever, hey kid. You have an amazing life ahead of you. Be yourself.. or selves if ya didn't hook up yet.

When we crashed I sensed Dav, but it wasn't my Dav. Felt too familiar. A Dav I already been with before. Leaves me to suspect that this reality is also in the past to my perspective. Dunno why you're here and I wasn't, but ain't life a mystery. If there's a Dav, I'm guessin' there's a Solaria. If you're here, then I hope you and your Dav are alive and well. I fear my Dav is on his own now.

I doubt my collective is comin' for me, so if you're willin' then consume what's left of me. I am you after all. Ya don't want the collective digestin' the ghost of a Solaria now do ya? You want more crazies like us flitting about in the collective? Heck, maybe you do. Could be fun. The choice is yours. Take my stuff from down in the lower deck too if it's intact.

If yer doing a rescue, check the crew roster, you're looking for Vita, Covas, Donis, and Talia. Hopefully they're alive or at least intact somewhere on the ship. As for Vatish, she was still on the space station durin' the firefight. Maybe she's alive still somewhere. If not, search the wreckage for what looks like someone ripped a space station in half and turned it into a big ass gun.

There's a black box on this bucket. Find it and get it. I ain't going to last long enough ta tell you the lot of it. Long story short kid, the damn purists had us funneled into a reality we couldn't find an easy way out of. Rules of the reality too dang different. Tech too advanced for us, so we acquired what we could. Found some alien tech that could punch holes into reality itself, but before we could modify it, some dumb ass humans took it, who in turn had even dumber humans take it from them after it got weaponized.

First group of humans vowed to help us, but we just were no match for em'. First shot crippled our ship, then second shot they had the nerve to see what happens if they overcharged it. Reality itself shattered like glass. Rifts opened up everywhere gobbling up everything. Big old yellow one appeared and swallowed up the battlefield with us in it. Never seen a rift like that one before. Humm... maybe once?

Surprised to find us crashn' into the sea or whatever on the other end."

Solaria's plasma as she's been talking increasingly wobbles, and her tendrils uncontrollably randomly whip out throwing small splashes of plasma onto the nearby walls and chair. The chair catching fire, yet she doesn't seem to even care.

"Listen, kid. Solaria, Vatish, whatever newbie the collective sent out. Don't. Be. Me. Ya got it? I figure you already are onna different path. Enjoy life n' friends and all that good stuff. Don't be too brash or hasty, but stay interesting, that's where the fun all is.

I set the ship to recognize any wisps that resemble our collective, and crammed what I can into it's databanks. Shame these metallic rocks can't store more."

Solaria's voice warps sharply as a large chunk of her plasma splashes out in all directions leaving black marks on the floor and walls and melting the back of the chair right off. "Damnit that hurt.... Don't die alone kid. You're no lone wolf. Act all 'outsider' you want, but know that you make amazn' friends. They are your strength. Remember that! Don't you ever let yourself think oth---"

The plasma from Solaria flings away from the center of her body almost in a donut shape as the remaining white core falls down spinning as it lands on the inside of the filiments before coming to a rest. The recording continues for a few moments before automatically terminating.

Update: April 2
Most of the ship had been explored by Luma, Umbra, Shelby, and Storm uncovering technology, starwisp and human bodies, technology and various items and devices. With the ship explored the group recovered starwisp bodies and select items before returning to the surface.

During the time on the ship, Shelby activated a program created by a crewmember named Vatish in the Ship's Drone bay which after Shelby made selections built an AI drone named 'Juno'. The drone seems to have some form a basic general AI. It does not appear to be sentient, but does possess a large language model and ability to recognize objects, including taking reasonably complex instructions. The software written by Vatish added a social AI to the drone that attempts to imitate a personality. The drone was left on board as there is no way to transport it at the current time.

(See Post-Plot section for general items obtained)

Personal items such as photos or paintings of multiple versions of Davwyn including two minidrakes and one dog-sized dragon. Simple black pet collar of Dav's, pet toys and stuffed toys that belonged to an unknown incarnation of Dav. Crystal feline claws for Solaria's feline illusion, and hair barrette of an artifical violet flower.

Items of Vatish:
Tiss Feline rig. Green/Yellow furred life-like body that used to be used when Vatish was Tiss to have a completely life-like feline form. Taken by Luma.

Vash Feline rig. Violet/Blue furred life-like body that used to be used when Vatish was Vash to have a completely life-like feline form. Taken by Umbra.

"Vatish's Special Drone Kit" Data disk by Vatish recovered by Shelby. Contains specialized drone component schematics and software hacks for the drone bay.

Cyberdeck (hacker's computer). Typical hacker's cyberdeck with lots of I/O and personal computer. Supports being recharged by starwisp tendrils. Recovered by Shelby.

Personal effects. Jewlery made of starwisp crystal. Photos of Vash, Tiss, and Solaria together as wisps and felines. Collection of framed or loose photos and paintings.

Items of Donis:
Donis' starwisp plasma-arc daggers. Recovered by Umbra

Starwisp crystal short sword.

Incomplete starwisp plasma staff weapon

Journal scrapbook stuffed with poems, hikus, and short stories written by Donis.

Technical drawings of weapons and machines in the early planning stages of various ship systems.

Items of Talia:
Shield schematic notes.

Music boxes including hand-wound card-fed music box.

Items of Vita:
'Ion' research notes including Ion pistols, ion cannons, and more for the universe they were in.

'Hand'-drawn art by Vita of planets, starscaps, and watercolor painting of starwisps huddled together in the lounge.

Other artwork of nearly 200 sketches or drawings by Vita of elves, dragons, flowers, trees, grassy hills, and more.

Items of Covas:
Engineering notes and tool bag attached to skateboard. Left on the ship.

Datapad filled with information on caring for and training animals ranging from dogs to horses.

Collected blueprints:
Drone blueprints for drone bay
Ion burst weapon schematics
Human design to Starwisp shield compatibility schematics


Update: April 25

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Luma, Umbra, and Storm explored the D31 space station at the bottom of the lake.

The station was severely damaged but the super structure was mostly intact despite missing a third of the station. The station was augmented by having several ships attached to the station.

A giant weapon was mounted onto the station that was defined as 'Starwisp Super Ion Cannon'. A devestating weapon that drew incredible amounts of power with the ability to knock out thousands of layers of shields and shut down large spacecraft that was used during the final battle.

A human officer that appears to be part of the friendly Unity faction was found passed away. But no sign of Vatish. Based on video evidence left behind on a data card by Vatish, the starwisp was able to escape the D31 station on board one of the drone ships before the D31 station fell into the breach. The whereabouts of Vatish is unknown, but likely did not enter Infinitas.

The data card was recovered by Luma and Umbra which contains the video from Vatish, along with music and random files that belonged to Vatish.


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Update: May 10

Over the course of a few days, John the red dragon has searched the lake and air-lifted ships and ship remains to the University common grounds for inspection. The fusion reactors of the ships have been tested for their power output and have been logged as follows:

Aurora - Damaged reactor (can't be repaired) 100-300kW (7 power pips)
D31 - Busted, people can't get it to output anything but 'idle' power because it's stuck permanently in fail-safe state.
Small reactors on drone ships - Operational, but small power output, roughly that of a single household or 6kw (3 power pips)
Tiny reactors on drones including Juno - 3kw (1 power pip)

Recovered is as follows:
-Aurora Star Ship
-D31 Station
-Aurora Repair Drone Ship
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-Aurora Mining Drone Ship
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-Several fragments of what have been deemed pirate space ships. Most of which are purely scrap.
-Pieces of the DF Prototype Ship. The majority of the ship has been gutted as the entire spine of the ship is gone along with it's weapons. The reality breaking super weapon destoried itself during the final battle in which only useless edge pieces remain. Only the flanks of the DF ship remained broken into pieces.

Recovered from on board the Aurora:
-Additional Repair and Mining Drone Ships (one each)
-8 Plasma Blaster Pistols
-'Beachball' Repair Drone on board the Aurora (left on board)
-'Frisbee' Repair Drone on board the Aurora (left on board)
-'Juno' Personal Autonomous Logistics Drone. (Claimed by Shelby)

Recovered from D31 Station:
-Starwisp Super Ion Cannon. After unmounting it from the D31 station, the state of this weapon is unknown. It appears functional but no longer recharges at the rapid rate it did with it's custom mounting on the D31 station. It's unknown how will it will hold up to being fired at full power.
-9 Plasma Blaster Pistols found in weapons locker
-4 intact standard human spacesuits with air tanks designed for short space walks

Standard issue blaster pistol details:

Effective range: 80 feet
Fire rate: 2 seconds
Clip size: 6 (Comes with 4 swappable clips)
Clips require recharge after being depleted.

Standard issue blaster pistol. Causes plasma damage. Plasma bolts cause burning, electrical, and some kinetic damage. Overall damage is effectively similar to a high caliber revolver.

Ship Weapons/Tools:

Starwisp Super Ion Cannon

Minimum pips: 2
Max pips: 10
Fire rate at 2 pips: 3 minutes
Fire rate at 10 pips: 30 seconds

Fires a giant ball of energy that causes massive Ion damage to targets. Only weapon known to knock out the 9500 shields of the DF prototype ship. Stuns all electrical systems it hits for 15 seconds. The only surviving super weapon from the event.

Extracted from the broken D31 station. Weapon is damaged but functional. Unknown how well it will hold up to being used again. Takes hours to charge up, and doesn't hold a charge if powered down. Now maxes out at 2 pips and cannot be powered up any higher.
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Starwisp Ion Cannon

Min Power: 2
Max Power: 5
Min charge: 50 seconds
Max charge: 15 seconds

Fires a ball of energy that causes Ion damage to target. Knocks out 5 shield layers, stuns a single system/device for 5 seconds.
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Starwisp Plasma Burst
Min power: 2
Max power: 5
Min charge rate: 60 seconds
Max charge rate: 20 seconds

Fires 5 balls of energy. Causes minor damage that can be blocked by shields. Causes fires in rooms it hits even if blocked by a shield.
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Starwisp Ion Beam

Minimum power: 2
Max power: 4
Min charge rate: 30 seconds
Max charge rate: 15 seconds

A bean of Ion that knocks out multiple systems in a sweeping attack. Knocks out 2 shield layers, additional layers block effect. Rooms directly hit without shields have systems stunned for 15 seconds. Sweeping attack reaches 60 feet.
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Starwisp Fire Beam

Min power: 1
Max power: 3
Min charge rate: 25 seconds
Max charge rate: 10 seconds

Sets ablaze anything it hits directly. Shields block the effect completely. Sweeping attack hits multiple rooms, 60 feet.
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Starwisp EMP Missle Launcher (Destoried)

Requires missiles
Min power: 1
Max power: 2
Min charge rate: 40
Max charge rate: 20

Fires a slow-moving missile that can bypass most shields. Direct hits can cause breaches. Causes EMP to a single system, stunning it for 15 seconds and causes minor explosive damage.
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Starwisp Plasma Cutter

Min power: 2
Max power: 4
Min charge rate: 30
Max charge rate: 15

Does massive hull damage cutting through hulls like a knife. Sweeping attack hits multiple rooms 30 feet. Effect completely blocked by shields. Can start fires on direct hits.
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Starwisp Repair Beam (Part of Repair Drone Ship)

Requires: Scrap/Starwisp crystal material on board
Power min: 1
Power max: 1
Charge rate: 10

Can repair the hull on ships by applying a layer of hardened steel-like starwisp crystal. Most effective on the Aurora for proper repairs, other ships it only provides a patch to cover holes as a bandage. Each shot repairs a 10x10 space of hull.
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Starwisp Mining Beam (Part of Mining Drone Ship)

Power min: 1
Power max: 1
Charging Rate: 10 seconds

Fires a low power plasma beam that quickly melts and cuts through asteroids to mine them for materials. Highly accruate but too low power to cause damage to other ships. Can be blocked by hulls or shields.
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Reality Beam Super Weapon (Completely Destroyed)

Min charge: 10
Max charge: 100
Min charge rate: 60 seconds
Max charge rate: 30 seconds with additional effect

Fires a powerful beam that seems to erase anything it comes in contact with, but actually knocks matter into an alternate reality upon contact. Bypasses 10 layers of shields, knocks out up to 1000 shields upon hit but is blocked from farther damage by 10 shield layers. Beam is 30 feet wide and 900 feet long

At full charge, nothing can block the shot and is instead 60 feet wide and 2000 feet long. Causes breach storms at full power and destabilizes local reality for thousands of sectors.

Weapon completely obliterated during the fight as it's own shot scattered the weapon across countless realities at the microscopic level and the ship that fired it. Only the outer most edges of the weapon remain which are of no value.

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Postplot Information
Aurora under the lake plot end summary:

Recovered the remains of the starwisps from the alternate reality:

Solaria (Light and Dark wisp Coalesce starwisp) captain of the starwisp Aurora. Permissions transferred to residents Luma, Umbra, and Storm by the ship's automated systems.
Vita (Earth and Spirits Coalesce starwisp) Science officer specializing in shields who had a hobby of drawing and sketching.
Covas (Reality and Energy starwisp crossbreed starwisp) Ship Engineer who had interests in animal taming
Donis (Dark starwisp) Weapons and Tactical officer along with physical combat skills. Had a hobby of writing and poetry.
Tallia (Energy starwisp) Reactor specialist who had hobbies in writing and listening to music and making music boxes.

The recovered starwisp remains will be given to the starwisp collective the next opportunity communication is established except for the remains of Solaria whom will be integrated into Luma and Umbra when they are ready to perform the ritual. Due to the severe damage it's unknown what knowledge and traits will be recovered.

Recovered Equipment:

Starship Aurora:
Vessel size: Roughly 180ft by 120ft
Primary features:
-Starwisp crystal hull with structural hardness slightly beyond hardened steel
-Space folding engines with jump distance of 2km. Dangerous to operate within an atmosphere.
-Basic maneuvering thrusters
-FTL Drive (Totally destroyed) According to logs it could jump several starsystem lengths
-'Ion' resistant hull. Ion in the universe it came from similar to EMP.
-On-board mini-Shipyard and Drone bay systems
-On-board medbay
-Sensor suite
-Shield array with additional shield chargers and shield capacitors
-Life support system for both humans and starwisps in mind
Fusion reactor (Damaged) energy output limited to 100-300kW or 7 power 'pips' for internal systems.
Weapon Systems:
(See Plot Section for details)

Drone Ships:

2x Starwisp Repair Drone Ship:
Small Fusion Reactor, 6kw (Similar to single household power output)
Starwisp Repair Beam (Part of Repair Drone Ship):
Can repair the hull on ships by applying a layer of hardened steel-like starwisp crystal. Most effective on the Aurora for proper repairs, other ships it only provides a patch to cover holes as a bandage. Each shot repairs a 10x10 space of hull.
Requires: Scrap/Starwisp crystal material on board
Power min: 1
Power max: 1
Charge rate: 10

2x Starwisp Mining Drone Ship:
Small Fusion Reactor, 6kw (Similar to single household power output)
Starwisp Mining Beam (Part of Mining Drone Ship):
Fires a low power plasma beam that quickly melts and cuts through asteroids to mine them for materials. Highly accruate but too low power to cause damage to other ships. Can be blocked by hulls or shields.
Power min: 1
Power max: 1
Charging Rate: 10 seconds

On-Ship Drones:

'Ball' Repair Drone:

A large beachball-sized and shaped drone with a tiny fusion reactor built into the center that can be seen through the transparent slits of the chassis. It can roll along any surfaces including up walls and across ceilings with it's 'spider climb' ability. It can reach out and manipulate things with starwisp tendrils, and contains both a robotic welder arm and fine manipulator arm with high strength twisting/pulling ability.
Mini Fusion Reactor: 3kw power output

'Hover Disc' Repair Drone:
A strange disc-shaped flying drone that resembles a circular air propulsion drone. However in the center is a crystal sphere containing the mini fusion reactor and computer systems. The device floats using starwisp tendrils and ion thrusters. Built into it's system is a low power mini-welder/cutter, wiring manipulator, and simple data spike.
Mini Fusion Reactor: 3kw power output

Recovered Weapon Starwisp Super Ion Cannon
Fires a giant ball of energy that causes massive Ion damage to targets. Only weapon known to knock out the 9500 shields of the DF prototype ship. Stuns all electrical systems it hits for 15 seconds. The only surviving super weapon from the event.
Extracted from the broken D31 station. Weapon is damaged but functional. Unknown how well it will hold up to being used again. Takes hours to charge up, and doesn't hold a charge if powered down. Requires 2 pips
Minimum pips: 2
Max pips: 10
Fire rate at 2 pips: 3 minutes
Fire rate at 10 pips: 30 seconds

Recovered Drone 'Juno' in possession of Shelby:
One of the drones from the Aurora built in the drone bay using custom software written by Vatish. The drone components were selected by Shelby using the drone suite.
The drone resembles a small tank roughly half a meter wide by 1 meter long driving on triangular tank treds. The top of the unit has a starwisp crystal oval-shaped chassis laying on it's side containing the fusion reactor and computer components within. The crystal chassis has superior hardness to hardened steel.
On the front of the drone a forward facing monitor displays a cartoon-looking face that is run by a limited personality AI.
Hardware Specs:
Drone Base Chassis: Oval (Medium)
Propulsion System: Treads Drive
Manipulators/Suites: Starwisp Tendril Arms, Welder Arm, Data Spike
AI Core: Personality Core AI
Personality Modules: Musical, Precise, Intellectual, Humourous
Frame Casing: Wireframe
Displays: Fixed Panel Display on Chassis
Lighting: Running Lights, Flashlight
I/O: Universal Power Cord, Programming Input Port, Remote View Camera, Universal Power Point
Name: Juno

35x Standard Issue Blaster Pistol:
Recovered from Aurora and various broken ships. Most pistols were given to the MAF, one pistol is in possession of Shelby.
Fires concussive plasma rounds when fired. Plasma bolts cause burning, electrical, and some kinetic damage. Overall damage is effectively similar to a high caliber revolver.
Effective Range: 80 feet
Fire rate: 2 seconds
Clip Size: 6 Comes with 4 swappable clips that can be recharged from high Amp/Volt power points.

2x Starwisp Plasma Daggers:
A pair of small crystal weapons with a short handle which is topped with two crystal blades with a narrow gap in the middle containing a coil. When wielded by a starwisp, the weapon is designed to have plasma flow over the incredibly sharp and strong blades. The two daggers can also quickly connect to each other back to back to form a blade that can be spun around.
The crystal is darker, more dense material than usual starwisp crystal with a high energy capacity. The blades designed to penetrate body armor while being light and swift.
The daggers are now in the possession of Umbra.

Other ships and wreckage:
Other pieces of star ships and wreckage has been found including the D31 station, and pieces of many pirate ships that had been blown apart. Besides basic components such as computer systems, electrical systems, furniture, and lighting, the remaining ships are only valued for their raw materials which are being actively scrapped and salvaged by multiple companies.
The funds awarded from the salvage is being split between the MAF

Summary version of collected logs:

Based on the logs, it appears the Aurora was from an alternate reality where the when the starwisps came to Infinitas, Davwyn was immedately given to them meaning Dav and Solaria never stayed in Infinitas. The collective just took him and left. Solaria, Dav, Tiss and Vash, the latter two of whom became Vatish, lived a full life with Davwyn before he passed away and the starwisps began search for where his next reincarnation happened. However, the purist starwisps took advantage of this moment and attacked forcing Solaria's collective to route to a reality they weren't aware was very hard to travel through and ended up stuck there.

The starwisps searched for a way out of this new reality where humans had FTL technology space ships and were fighting each other over resources and technology. They found alien technology that would allow them to open a rift to leave that reality, but while repairing and adapting the technology, the humans discovered them and took the alien rift device for themselves and turned it into a weapon. Pirates then stole the reality destorying weapon and the humans that took it from the starwisps in the first place with a ship called the Falcon worked with the starwisps to try to get it back from the pirates and both agreed it was far more dangerous if the pirates had it.

After a long journey the Aurora and Falcon, had a major battle with the pirates who in desparation used the reality gun at it's full power, causing the reality to become unstable and rapidly fall apart causing breaches and rifts everywhere, including a yellow breach to Infinitas in which the Aurora and bits of other ships fell through.

All of the crew of the Aurora died except for Vatish who seems to have escaped, but was still in a reality that was falling apart to no hint as to what might have happened to them.

The collected logs as worked out by Umbra and Luma putting together the information:

In the alternate reality, it appears that this version of the starwisps may have visited Infinitas, but immediately obtained Davwyn and left, having not needed to leave Solaria behind to find him during their limited window with the breach open. The collective moved on to a different reality where Solaria, Davwyn, Vash, and Tiss lived together. Details are unclear how long this was, but given the photos obtained it seems to suggest they spent a good portion of Davwyn's lifetime there, possibly longer. During that time Vash and Tiss mated becoming the Coalesce starwisp Vatish.

After Davwyn's passing, before the starwisp collective could prepare to search for where his next reincarnation had moved to, the enemy purist starwisp collective made a calculated attack on Solaria's collective, the awakened starwisps. The purist collective closed off most interdimensional routes and drove the awakened starwisps towards the only path the awakened starwisp collective could find to both escape from the purists, and also search after Davwyn, unaware that the reality they were jumping to was unusually difficult to travel through to other realities.

When the awakened collective arrived in the new reality, they found themselves in a vast cosmos where the physics of the reality required unusual materials and technology to create interdimentional rifts finding themselves stranded. The reality was also hostile, where humans fought over resources split into factions using FTL space ships jumping from star system to star system.

With the collective having only themselves and a structure they call "the citadel" which resembles a fort covered in a crystal dome. The collective hid themselves from the humans and would collect the wreckage after space battles to obtain and adapt the technology to allow themselves the ability to FTL jump around the cosmos in search of the materials and technology to make interdimensional rifts.

After decades of searching, the starwisps detected and uncovered alien ruins that had the rare materials and remains of technology capable of opening rifts. They brought this technology back to their citadel to adapt it for them to leave the reality. Though the adaptations took the collective years of work.

During that time, the citadel was eventually detected by human vessels that came to investigate. The starwisps were forced to abandon their citadel as heavily armed human ships appeared and raided the citadel taking the alien artifact that was mid-way to being converted into a reality rift device.

The starwisps regrouped after the humans left and worked out plans to get the reality rift device back. The starwisps took the cobbled together space ships they had from the wreckage they've been collecting and used the materials of the citadel to construct their own space ship, the Aurora. Gaia, the voice of the starwisp collective, assigned Solaria as captain, Vatish, and additional starwisps as crew. For months the Aurora would seek out space battles, wait while out of sensors range then collect the remains then bring back the weapons and systems it could for the collective to build up the ship.

Over this time, specialized starwisps were permanently assigned as crew by Gaia starting with Vita, then Tallia, Covas, and finally Donis. Each of these starwisps trained by the collective to have all the needed skills for their assignments.

With a fully functional ship and crew, the Aurora was ready for combat. However it was still incredibly under-powered compared to the human Unity faction that had possession of the reality rift device. Knowing a head-on assault would end badly, the starwisps kept watch on the Space Station D31 that was the science station doing research and development on the device looking for an opportunity when it was unguarded.

Fortune struck when the starwisps learned that pirates attacked an unarmed vessel that had a new science officer recruit destined to D31 for hire. They repaired the remains of the civilian vessel and sent Vatish posing as the lost science officer to D31 so they could have intel on the happenings in the space station, and possibly find an opportunity to take the rift device without casualties.

Vatish under their human guise studied the D31 station and its crew looking for the right opportunity. Meanwhile learning about the horrific modifications to the rift device the humans were doing to it, turning it into a super weapon, building it into their experimental ship, the DF. The starwisps had to get the rift device back before the humans tore the universe apart with the weaponized dimensional rift device.

The opportunity came when the guard fleet got called away for an emergency and Vatish made the call to the Aurora, but the Aurora wasn't the only one keeping an eye on the D31 station. With it left exposed, pirate ships jumped in and assaulted the station, forcefully boarded and slaughtered the crew.

Vatish went into hiding taking advantage that their real form is tiny they hid in the ventilation and could only watch as the pirates took the experimental DF ship along with the modified rift device. The Aurora stood no chance fighting a ship that powerful. Looking for options, Vatish went to the busted cloning system in the D31 station and got it running again to revive what crew the system still had stored in its database. The starwisps and these humans shared a common enemy, so they took the chance to work together to get the rift device back.

Vatish stayed on the D31 station as support to help research better weapons and systems for the Aurora and the second prototype ship The Falcon manned by the humans Vatish rescued on the D31 station with the newfound understanding that the weapon could tear apart the fabric of reality, they set off to find the DF prototype.

Throughout the journey the Aurora assisted the Falcon through fights using its unusual weapons with heavy ion effects to help disable enemy ships long enough for the Falcon to get critical shots in, and also assisted using their mining drones whenever encountering asteroids, while Vita and Vatish from afar would find ways to upgrade or improve ship systems for both ships.

The ships found out at the Unity space station USC that they would need to assemble super sensors to trace where the DF prototype went and would need to obtain HAK86 crystals. Needing to collect them by assaulting the Bears pirate base, assisting the Android Empire fleet, and rescuing a caravan before returning to the USC and having the sensors assembled.

Meanwhile Vatish worked with the USC from the D31 station to build the Starwisp Super Ion Cannon to be powerful enough to knock out the incredibly powerful shields of the DF Prototype ship.

The time came for the final battle as the Aurora and Falcon hunted down the DF prototype after Vatish told them that the Starwisp Super Ion Cannon would be available to them when they need it. The two ships found the DF prototype guarded by several enemy pirate ships and fought them off while chasing after the DF prototype.

With most of the pirate ships taken out and the now powerful Aurora and Falcon confronting the DF prototype, Vatish shocked everyone when the D31 station was FTL jumped long distance to the sector using a heavily modified hyperdrive and several P.U.C.Cs (Prototype Unmanned Construction Craft) ships cobbled together by Vatish and an entire third of the space station blown off to make the station light enough for the FTL hyperdrive to work. Vatish had modified what was left of the D31 station to be a massive hardpoint to power the mounted Starwisp Super Ion Cannon which upon arrival blasted at the DF prototype knocking out it's 9100 shields and blowing out it's hyperdrive, giving the Aurora and Falcon a chance to strike between each blast of the ion cannon leaving the ship vulnerable for the few moments it took for the DF's shields to regenerate.

The DF Prototype fired the modified reality rift device, now referred to as the reality beam weapon at the Aurora seemingly erasing everything in its path, taking out some of the Aurora's engines and drone ship bay. The fight was getting desperate on all sides as the Aurora and Falcon began whittling down the DF ship's systems as a second fleet of pirate ships entered the fray.

Two ships took the opportunity while the Aurora was crippled by the reality beam and teleported pirates on board the Aurora in an attempt to stop them from attempting to disable the DF Prototype. The pirates teleported into the reactor room where Tallia was stationed as it was the most vulnerable part of the ship. They knew if they could take out the reactor the ship would be dead in space. The pirates opened fire on the reactor destroying critical stabilizers and cooling systems. Tallia moved out of hiding to quickly mount onto the control console of the reactor and adjust the power output to stabilize the reactor before it could go critical, and at the same time disabled the thermal shielding causing the temperature in the reactor room to skyrocket forcing the pirates to retreat towards the back of the ship or else they would burn alive. The pirates retreated towards the back of the ship, but not without firing parting shots at Tallia who was still mounted to the control panel killing her.

Forced towards the back of the ship, the pirates split up. One going for the engine room while the rest towards piloting up the spine of the ship. The one pirate entered the engine room where Coavs was welding closed one of the doors to defend himself but couldn't weld the second door in time. The pirate took a shot at Coavs instantly causing the starwisp to destabilize. Knowing he was about to die, Coavs threw himself at the pirate before detonating into a fiery ball of plasma that consumed the pirate with him.

Meanwhile, Vita was trying to get the shields back online, but the pirates wanted to press their advantage and kept assaulting the shields room outside with weapons fire. With the shields down, pirates switched to using hull-penetrating weapons since there were no shields to stop them, firing fire beams and particle beams at the room. Vita took a direct hit to her body having no way to avoid the beams phasing through the hull. Knowing she had to defend the rest of the crew, Vita hooked herself up to the shield array and dumped her own plasma into the system to jump-start the shields to get them back online. Vita's empty shell rolled to the floor as the shields powered on just as the particle beam grazed over Solaria's body catching one of her two cores and chipping the second but not outright killing her.

The remaining 5 pirates continued up the spine of the ship through the life support system and medbay to the narrow hallway that leads to the piloting room. There waited Donis with his daggers at the ready, flowing with hot black plasma as he guarded the route to piloting where Solaria was. The moment the pirates opened the door from the medbay, Donis took out the internal lights filling the hallway with utter darkness. Human screams and blind gunshots let out as Donis quickly dispatched each pirate that ran in, slicing their arms and through the torso with the hot, sharp, and hard blades that penetrated the pirate's armored space suits with ease and disturbing grace.

By the time the third pirate fell to the darkness, the remaining two were in panic firing in all directions wildly. Donis by this point had taken three hits to his body that had cracked his core and severely damaged parts of his brain. Yet Donis wouldn't stand down. The dark wisp pulled the man in front by the legs and swiftly took him out then slashed the last man through the throat finishing off the boarders. With his core cracked and his mind mangled, Donis landed on the floor uttering out the phrase "..and at last the twinkling of the night sky greets the dreamers" seemingly reciting a piece of one of his poems before succumbing to the critical damage and his plasma bursts free from his body as his core gives out.

Over in the D31 station, Vatish begins to see more and more versions of themself from their multiversal vision panicking or running for an escape. Many of them abruptly disappearing with fewer and fewer alternate versions of themself visible, it's evident either other versions are dying or being removed from the local reality. This Vatish grabs their human smart helmet and quickly records a message as they run towards one of the P.U.C.C ships before removing the data card from the helmet, tapes it to a starwisp memory crystal and leaves it behind in case Solaria manages to find it while preparing to dislodge one of the P.U.C.C ships to make their escape.

During all of this, Solaria was manning piloting and managing weapons as best she could on her own, trying to get the ship to dodge missiles while laying down what fire she could. Meanwhile the Falcon was having its own problems with the constant assault from the pirates. The DF was looking worse for wear too though and the pirates were getting desperate knowing they couldn't FTL jump out of the system. The Aurora took out most of the DF weapons and their life support system and the multiple ship breaches caused by missiles from the Falcon left them with very little for rooms still with oxygen in them. The pirates on board of the DF finding themselves losing the battle despite everything resort to charging up the reality gun to maximum charge despite the desperate attempts from both the Aurora and DF station trying to knock out their power systems to disable the weapon and fire.

As the reality gun fires it engulfs itself in light, then in the blink of an eye the entire spine of the DF that the weapon was mounted on no longer exists. The outer-most parts of the ship split in two as the entire middle of the ship is completely gone. Along with the ship a streak of rainbow light passes through the Falcon erasing most of the ship in its path along with pirate ships. The rainbow streak tearing through multiple sectors of space. The dazzling lights only stay visible for a few moments before the colours begin to drift apart and the local reality begins to tear itself apart. As if the reality were a cloth getting eaten away, rifts begin to form randomly all throughout the sector rapidly spreading out from the torn seam of reality appearing everywhere at random farther and farther out into space. Many of the rifts in space begin to suck in pieces of pirate ships and debris aggressively as they form.

Solaria can only watch in horror as her crippled ship struggles to evade the rifts as they form at random of different colours, shapes, and designs as properties of other realities begin to leak into their own destabilized reality. The damage done from the prior hit from the small charge of the reality gun has taken it's toll on the Aurora. The FTL Hyperdrive is gone, and the engines have been leaking plasma from the left side of the ship for the latter half of the battle. The damaged reactor core isn't able to output enough power to compensate for the power loss from the engines and the ship loses thrusters.

A yellow breach of the Infinitas kind appears near the middle of the battlefield stretching larger and larger from the instability and begins to pull in pieces of ships, debris, and the Aurora itself. Solaria only able to watch as the ship slides towards the gaping hole in reality faster and faster until falling through the event horizon.

A P.U.C.C ship from the D31 dislodges from the D31 station piloted by Vatish picked up by the Aurora sensors just as the Aurora falls through the yellow breach, with the remains of the D31 station falling in after it. Vatish unable to react in time to see much more than a brief view of the Aurora and D31 station vanishing through the yellow breach, before the breach closes.

Suddenly, the Aurora sensors light up as the viewport reveals to Solaria a view of some kind of Earth-like planet. Trees, grass, mountains, and a big blue lake below. The season appears to be autumn, though Solaria doesn't get much time to take in the view as the shadow of the D31 station is looming overhead. Solaria punches the thrusters for what left they have to give, nudging the Aurora's trajectory away from the direction D31 is falling as both the ship and the station plunge into the huge lake along with torn hulls and debris of pirate ships including a repair drone and mining drone falling out of the torn open ship bay of the Aurora.

The ship sinks for what to Solaria felt like a long time as the viewport became more and more dark. Solaria running sensor sweeps while she can with what residual power is left in the ship and shutting down non-essential systems like the engines. The results of the internal sensors as damaged as they were revealed to Solaria the crew were all dead and her hue changes to a sorrowful yellow, and it seems evident she wasn't going to last too long on a single chipped core. Water began to rush into the open wounds of the ship flooding systems and forcing the ship to cut off power junctions leaving only a few rooms on the ship sparred such as the piloting room. Solaria knew she was trapped as even if she could reach an air lock, the water would end her in an instant, and she was dying anyways as her chipped core couldn't handle the stress of keeping her alive and was beginning to crack bit by bit.

The logs show Solaria defeated, trapped on the bridge of her own ship surrounded by water. Sitting there on the chair silently for several moments before speaking. "Dav?" she wakes herself up and runs an external sensor sweep seeming to have sensed something. The sensor logs indicating the usual signatures to check for to find instances of Davwyn. Solaria's hue changes violet as a glimmer of hope hits her as she continues to check the logs, then returns back to her yellow hue. "No... not my Davwyn. Almost, but not mine. But... there's... another Solaria here?" She gets to work setting into the computer systems new access rights and sets the reactor core to set itself to go into safe mode within the next few hours knowing she won't last that long. Then starts up the ship's video recording and leaves her final message. She talks for as long as she can, trying to hold back death as long as she could until her core gives out and she dies mid-sentence in a white hot 'whiff'. The sensors and recording continue to run for the remainder of the three hours before stopping as the ship begins automatic shutdown and the logs end.
Davwyn and Solaria

Starwisp and cute minidrake duo
Posts: 30
Mar 2, 2024 1:57 PM
Plot: Aurora Under The Lakepmdiscord
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Breezy72.3 F | 22.39 C
78% Humidity
Cloud Cover at 11%
Winds: E 8 MPH (13 KPH)
Inf Time
5:40 AM
Today: Partly Cloudy (High: 22 Low: 20)
Sunday: Showers (High: 23 Low: 18)
Monday: Showers (High: 25 Low: 20)