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Character: Hallani Truneh

Hallani Truneh
SpeciesQuann, Nyaran
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Hallani is a young girl which resembles a human, other than her naturally lilac hair. She is quiet for the most part and rarely talks to people she doesn't know.


Holland's story is a short one. Born on the Singularity Space Station it wasn't long before she was moved to her mother's home world for safety after a massive attack on the space station killed her mother. While living on Nyarra she has become quiet adept in learning skills and she spends most of her time trying to learn about her adopted world.


Nyarra: A large jungle world with only a few civilizations on it. It is also inhabited by a variety of feral creatures.


Water/Ice Manipulation

The ability to manipulate water molecules.

Cannot create water from thin air, must use the existing water to create it. Cannot control Water within a living being. While she only has about 6 years of practice with it she has developed a small bit of control over it, limited to creating a storm/blizzard in about a ton foot radius.

Everest (Armor)

Covers Hallani's body in an armor that resembles ice which boosts her ability to manipulate water and ice and allows her to move faster.